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Markdown backend: complete initial impl. Verified: frames and optiona…
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…lly foldable trees

Currently, multiline preformatted content as separate inline code markers. Will consider using code blocks...
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lukstafi committed Jan 20, 2024
1 parent ba34cb7 commit 093e74e
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Showing 12 changed files with 447 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,3 +35,14 @@ Printbox allows to print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in several formats"
(odoc :with-test)
(tyxml (>= 4.3))
(mdx (and (>= 1.4) :with-test))))

(name printbox-md)
(synopsis "Printbox Markdown rendering")
(description "
Adds Markdown output handling to the printbox package, with fallback to text and simplified HTML.
Printbox allows to print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in several formats")
(depends (printbox (= :version))
(printbox-text (and (= :version) :with-test))
(odoc :with-test)
(mdx (and (>= 1.4) :with-test))))
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions printbox-md.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.8"
synopsis: "Printbox Markdown rendering"
description: """

Adds Markdown output handling to the printbox package, with fallback to text and simplified HTML.
Printbox allows to print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in several formats"""
maintainer: ["c-cube"]
authors: ["Simon Cruanes" "Guillaume Bury"]
license: "BSD-2-Clause"
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.0"}
"printbox" {= version}
"printbox-text" {= version & with-test}
"odoc" {with-test}
"mdx" {>= "1.4" & with-test}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
"@runtest" {with-test}
"@doc" {with-doc}
dev-repo: "git+"
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-html/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,12 @@ let to_html ?(config=Config.default) b = H.div [to_html_rec ~config b]
let to_string ?config b =
Format.asprintf "@[%a@]@." (H.pp_elt ()) (to_html ?config b)

let to_string_indent ?config b =
Format.asprintf "@[%a@]@." (H.pp_elt ~indent:true ()) (to_html ?config b)

let pp ?config ?indent () pp b =
Format.fprintf pp "@[%a@]@." (H.pp_elt ?indent ()) (to_html ?config b)

let to_string_doc ?config b =
let meta_str = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">" in
let footer_str =
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-html/PrintBox_html.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,11 @@ end
val to_html : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> [`Div] html
(** HTML for one box *)

val pp : ?config:Config.t -> ?indent:bool -> unit -> Format.formatter -> PrintBox.t -> unit

val to_string : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string

val to_string_indent : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string

val to_string_doc : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> string
(** Same as {!to_string}, but adds the prelude and some footer *)
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-md/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
(* This file is free software. See file "license" for more details. *)

module B = PrintBox

(* This is a bare-bones implementation that will hopefully evolve over time. *)
let to_md_rec ~tables ~trees (b: B.t) =
let text_to_md ?(border=false) ~l ~style () =
let a, bold = attrs_of_style style in
let l = H.txt l in
let l = if bold then (fun x->H.b [x]) l else l in
let a_border = if border then [H.a_style "border:thin solid"] else [] in
H.span ~a:(H.a_class config.cls_text :: a_border @ (a @ config.a_text)) l in
let loop :
'tags. (B.t -> ([< Html_types.flow5 > `Pre `Span `Div `Ul `Table `P] as 'tags) html) -> B.t -> 'tags html =
fun fix b ->
match B.view b with
| B.Empty -> (H.div [] :> [< Html_types.flow5 > `Pre `Span `Div `P `Table `Ul ] html)
| B.Text {l; style} when style.B.Style.preformatted -> H.pre [text_to_md ~l ~style ()]
| B.Text {l; style} -> text_to_md ~l ~style ()
| B.Pad (_, b) -> fix b
| B.Frame b ->
H.div ~a:[H.a_style "border:thin solid"] [ fix b ]
| B.Align {h=`Right;inner=b;v=_} ->
H.div ~a:[H.a_class ["align-right"]] [ fix b ]
| B.Align {h=`Center;inner=b;v=_} ->
H.div ~a:[H.a_class ["center"]] [ fix b ]
| B.Align {inner=b;_} -> fix b
| B.Grid (bars, a) ->
let class_ = match bars with
| `Bars -> "framed"
| `None -> "non-framed"
let to_row a =
Array.to_list a
(fun b -> ~a:(H.a_class config.cls_col :: config.a_col) [fix b])
|> (fun x -> ~a:(H.a_class config.cls_row :: config.a_row) x)
let rows =
Array.to_list a |> to_row
H.table ~a:(H.a_class (class_ :: config.cls_table)::config.a_table) rows
| B.Tree (_, b, l) ->
let l = Array.to_list l in
[ fix b
; H.ul ( (fun x -> [fix x]) l)
| B.Link _ -> assert false
let rec to_md_rec b =
match B.view b with
| B.Tree (_, b, l) when config.tree_summary ->
let l = Array.to_list l in
(match B.view b with
| B.Text {l=tl; style} ->
H.details (H.summary [text_to_md ~l:tl ~style ()])
[ H.ul ( (fun x -> [to_md_rec x]) l) ]
| B.Frame b ->
(match B.view b with
| (B.Text {l=tl; style}) ->
H.details (H.summary [text_to_md ~border:true ~l:tl ~style ()])
[ H.ul ( (fun x -> [to_md_rec x]) l) ]
| _ ->
[ to_md_rec b
; H.ul ( (fun x -> [to_md_rec x]) l)
| _ ->
[ to_md_rec b
; H.ul ( (fun x -> [to_md_rec x]) l)
| B.Link {uri; inner} ->
H.div [H.a ~a:[H.a_href uri] [to_md_nondet_rec inner]]
| _ -> loop to_md_rec b
and to_md_nondet_rec b =
match B.view b with
| B.Link {uri; inner} ->
H.div [H.a ~a:[H.a_href uri] [to_md_nondet_rec inner]]
| _ -> loop to_md_nondet_rec b
to_md_rec b

let style_format (s:B.Style.t) =
let open B.Style in
let {bold = _; bg_color; fg_color; preformatted = _} = s in
let encode_color = function
| Red -> "red"
| Blue -> "blue"
| Green -> "green"
| Yellow -> "yellow"
| Cyan -> "cyan"
| Black -> "black"
| Magenta -> "magenta"
| White -> "white"
let s =
(match bg_color with None -> [] | Some c -> ["background-color", encode_color c]) @
(match fg_color with None -> [] | Some c -> ["color", encode_color c])
match s with
| [] -> "", ""
| s ->
{|<span style="|} ^ String.concat ";" ( (fun (k,v) -> k ^ ": " ^ v) s) ^ {|">|}, "</span>"

let pp ~tables ~foldable_trees out b =
let open Format in
(* We cannot use Format for indentation, because we need to insert ">" at the right places. *)
let rec loop ~inline ~prefix b =
match B.view b with
| B.Empty -> ()
| B.Text {l; style} ->
let sty_pre, sty_post = style_format style in
pp_print_string out sty_pre;
(* use html for gb_color, fg_color and md for bold, preformatted. *)
~pp_sep:(fun out () ->
pp_print_string out "<br>"; pp_print_cut out (); pp_print_string out prefix)
(fun out s ->
let s = if style.B.Style.preformatted then String.concat "" ["`"; s; "`"] else s in
let s = if style.B.Style.bold then String.concat "" ["**"; s; "**"] else s in
pp_print_string out s
) out l;
pp_print_string out sty_post
| B.Frame b ->
if inline then
fprintf out {|<span style="border:thin solid">%a</span>|}
(fun _out -> loop ~inline ~prefix) b
else fprintf out "> %a" (fun _out -> loop ~inline ~prefix:(prefix ^ "> ")) b
| B.Pad (_, b) ->
loop ~inline ~prefix b
| B.Align {h = _; v=_; inner} ->
loop ~inline ~prefix inner
| B.Grid (_, _) when tables = `Html && String.length prefix = 0 ->
PrintBox_html.pp ~indent:(not inline) () out b
| B.Grid (_, _) ->
let table =
if tables = `Text then PrintBox_text.to_string b
else PrintBox_html.(if inline then to_string else to_string_indent) b in
let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' table in
let lines = (fun s ->
if s.[String.length s - 1] = '\r'
then String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1) else s) lines in
~pp_sep:(fun out () ->
pp_print_string out "<br>";
if not inline then fprintf out "@,%s" prefix)
pp_print_string out lines
| B.Tree (_extra_indent, header, [||]) ->
loop ~inline ~prefix header
| B.Tree (extra_indent, header, body) ->
if foldable_trees
fprintf out "<details><summary>%a</summary>@,%s@,%s- "
(fun _out -> loop ~inline:true ~prefix) header prefix prefix
else (loop ~inline ~prefix header; fprintf out "@,%s- " prefix);
let pp_sep out () = fprintf out "@,%s- " prefix in
let subprefix = prefix ^ String.make (2 + extra_indent) ' ' in
(fun _out sub -> loop ~inline ~prefix:subprefix sub)
out @@ Array.to_list body;
if foldable_trees then fprintf out "@,%s</details>" prefix
| B.Link {uri; inner} ->
pp_print_string out "[";
loop ~inline:true ~prefix:(prefix ^ " ") inner;
fprintf out "](%s)" uri in
pp_open_vbox out 0;
loop ~inline:false ~prefix:"" b;
pp_close_box out ()

let to_string ~tables ~foldable_trees b =
Format.asprintf "%a@." (pp ~tables ~foldable_trees) b
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-md/PrintBox_md.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
val pp :
tables:[`Text | `Html] -> foldable_trees:bool -> Format.formatter ->
PrintBox.t -> unit

val to_string :
tables:[`Text | `Html] -> foldable_trees:bool -> PrintBox.t -> string
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-md/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(name printbox_md)
(public_name printbox-md)
(wrapped false)
(flags :standard -w +a-3-4-44-29 -safe-string)
(libraries printbox printbox-text printbox-html))
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-md/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@

| | | |
| | min | -89.2 °C |
| Temperature | | |
| 1961-1990 | mean | 14 °C |
| | min | 56.7 °C |

> trying
> > nested
> > > quoatation
**`bold code`**<br>

> List 1:
> - Element 1
> second line of element 1
> - Element 2
> - Subelement 3
> - Subelement 4
> > Some<br>
> > more
> > <details><summary>Header 5</summary>
> >
> > - Subelem 6
> > - Subelem 7
> > </details>
Framed fold:

> <details><summary>List 2:</summary>
> - Element 1<br>
> second line of element 1
> - Element 2
> - Subelement 3
> - Subelement 4
> > Some<br>
> > more
> > <details><summary>Header 5</summary>
> >
> > - Subelem 6
> > - Subelem 7
> > </details>
> </details>

> <details><summary>List 3:</summary>
> - Element 1
> second line of element 1
> - Element 2<ul>
> <li>Subelement 3</li>
> <li>Subelement 4
> >
> > Some<br>
> > more
> > <details><summary>Header 5</summary>
> >
> > - Subelem 6
> > - Subelem 7
> > </details></li>
> </ul>
> </details>

> <summary> List 4: </summary>
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,3 +26,9 @@
(modules test_html)
(package printbox-html)
(libraries printbox printbox-html))

(name test_md)
(modules test_md)
(package printbox-md)
(libraries printbox printbox-md))

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