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Greatly simplify the extensibility desing; pass config to handlers
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lukstafi committed Sep 28, 2024
1 parent 8a4ae1f commit 2333c86
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Showing 25 changed files with 306 additions and 388 deletions.
77 changes: 1 addition & 76 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -209,82 +209,7 @@ let mk_tree ?indent f root =
let link ~uri inner : t = Link { uri; inner }
let anchor ~id inner : t = Anchor { id; inner }
let extension_to_key : ((ext -> bool) * string) list ref = ref []
let extension_keys = Hashtbl.create 4
let register_extension ~key ~domain =
if Hashtbl.mem extension_keys key then
invalid_arg @@ "PrintBox.register_extension: key " ^ key
^ " is already registered";
Hashtbl.add extension_keys key domain;
extension_to_key := (domain, key) :: !extension_to_key
let get_extension_key ext =
let rec loop = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "PrintBox.get_extension_key: unregistered extension"
| (domain, key) :: tl ->
if domain ext then
loop tl
loop !extension_to_key
let extension ext = Ext { key = get_extension_key ext; ext }
type ext_backend_result = ..
type ext_backend_result += Unrecognized_extension | Same_as of t
type ext += Embed_rendering of ext_backend_result
let extension_backends = Hashtbl.create 3
let embed_rendering result = Ext { key = ""; ext = Embed_rendering result }
let register_extension_handler ~backend_name ~example ~handler =
if not @@ Hashtbl.mem extension_backends backend_name then
Hashtbl.add extension_backends backend_name (Hashtbl.create 4);
let handlers = Hashtbl.find extension_backends backend_name in
let key = get_extension_key example in
(match handler example ~nested:(fun _ -> Same_as Empty) with
| Unrecognized_extension ->
"PrintBox.register_extension_handler: example outside of handler domain"
| _ -> ());
Hashtbl.add handlers key handler
let get_extension_handler ~backend_name =
if not @@ Hashtbl.mem extension_backends backend_name then
Hashtbl.add extension_backends backend_name (Hashtbl.create 4);
let handlers = Hashtbl.find extension_backends backend_name in
fun ~key -> function
| Embed_rendering result -> fun ~nested:_ -> result
| ext -> Hashtbl.find handlers key ext
let expand_extensions_same_as_only ~backend_name =
let get_handler = get_extension_handler ~backend_name in
let rec loop = function
| Empty -> Text { l = []; style = Style.default }
| Text _ as b -> b
| Frame { sub; stretch } -> Frame { sub = loop sub; stretch }
| Pad (p, b) -> Pad (p, loop b)
| Align { h; v; inner } -> Align { h; v; inner = loop inner }
| Grid (bars, grid) -> Grid (bars, map_matrix loop grid)
| Tree (indent, node, children) ->
Tree (indent, loop node, loop children)
| Link { uri; inner } -> Link { uri; inner = loop inner }
| Anchor { id; inner } -> Anchor { id; inner = loop inner }
| Ext { key; ext } ->
let nested b = Same_as (loop b) in
(match get_handler ~key ext ~nested with
| Same_as b -> b
| Unrecognized_extension ->
@@ "PrintBox.expand_extensions_same_as_only: unrecognized extension "
^ key ^ " for backend " ^ backend_name
| _ ->
invalid_arg @@ "PrintBox.expand_extensions_same_as_only: extension "
^ key ^ " is not `Same_as`-only for backend " ^ backend_name)
let extension ~key ext = Ext { key; ext }
(** {2 Simple Structural Interface} *)
Expand Down
56 changes: 3 additions & 53 deletions src/PrintBox.mli
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Expand Up @@ -327,9 +327,9 @@ val anchor : id:string -> t -> t
@since 0.11

val extension : ext -> t
(** [extension ext] embeds an extended representation [ext] as a box. [ext] must be recognized
as a registered extension by one of the [domain] arguments passed to {!register_extension}.
val extension : key:string -> ext -> t
(** [extension ~key ext] embeds an extended representation [ext] as a box. [ext] must be
recognized by the used backends as an extension registered under [key].

Expand All @@ -356,56 +356,6 @@ val asprintf_with_style :
(** Formatting for {!text}, with style.
@since 0.3 *)

(** {2 Managing Representation Extensions} *)

val register_extension : key:string -> domain:(ext -> bool) -> unit
(** Registers a new representation extension, where [key] is a unique identifier for
the scope of the extension values, and [domain] delineates that scope.
Intended for extension writers.
@since NEXT_RELEASE *)

type ext_backend_result = ..
(** The type packaging backend-dependent results of handling a representation extension. *)

type ext_backend_result +=
| Unrecognized_extension (** This is an error condition. *)
| Same_as of t
(** The result of rendering is the same as for the given box. *)

type ext +=
| Embed_rendering of ext_backend_result
(** Lets extensions stage rendering by embedding partial results inside boxes. *)

val embed_rendering : ext_backend_result -> t
(** Embeds the given rendering result in a box. Only backends that can handle the result
will be able to render the returned box!
@since NEXT_RELEASE *)

val register_extension_handler :
backend_name:string ->
example:ext ->
handler:(ext -> nested:(t -> ext_backend_result) -> ext_backend_result) ->
(** Registers a [handler] for the backend [backend_name] of extensions of the same domain
as [example]. Intended for extension writers.
@since NEXT_RELEASE *)

val get_extension_handler :
backend_name:string ->
key:string ->
ext ->
nested:(t -> ext_backend_result) ->
(** [get_extension_handler ~backend_name] returns a getter function for extension handlers.
Intended for backend writers.
@since NEXT_RELEASE *)

val expand_extensions_same_as_only : backend_name:string -> t -> t
(** [expand_extensions_same_as_only ~backend_name b] expands extensions in [b] for the backend,
as long as the backend's extension handlers (for extensions in [b]) only use
the [Same_as] variant of {!ext_backend_result}.
@since NEXT_RELEASE *)

(** {2 Simple Structural Interface} *)

type 'a ktree = unit -> [ `Nil | `Node of 'a * 'a ktree list ]
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51 changes: 23 additions & 28 deletions src/printbox-ext-plot/
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Expand Up @@ -46,10 +46,7 @@ let default_config =

type PrintBox.ext += Plot of graph

let () =
B.register_extension ~key:"plot" ~domain:(function
| Plot _ -> true
| _ -> false)
let box graph = B.extension ~key:"Plot" (Plot graph)

let plot_canvas ?canvas ?(size : (int * int) option) ?(sparse = false)
(specs : plot_spec list) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,7 +284,6 @@ let plot ?(prec = 3) ?(no_axes = false) ?canvas ?size ?(x_label = "x")

let example = Plot default_config
let scale_size_for_text = ref (0.125, 0.05)

let explode s =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -344,23 +340,28 @@ let flatten_text_canvas ~num_specs canvas =
(fun row -> String.concat "" @@ snd @@ Array.to_list row)

let text_handler ext ~nested:_ =
let text_based_handler ~render ext =
match ext with
| Plot { specs; x_label; y_label; size = sx, sy; no_axes; prec } ->
let cx, cy = !scale_size_for_text in
let size =
Float.(to_int @@ (cx *. of_int sx), to_int @@ (cy *. of_int sy))
@@ plot ~prec ~no_axes ~size ~x_label ~y_label ~sparse:false
(fun canvas ->
B.lines @@ Array.to_list
@@ flatten_text_canvas ~num_specs:(List.length specs) canvas)
| _ -> B.Unrecognized_extension
| _ -> invalid_arg "PrintBox_ext_plot.text_handler: unrecognized extension"

let text_handler = text_based_handler ~render:PrintBox_text.to_string

let md_handler config =
text_based_handler ~render:(PrintBox_md.to_string config)

let embed_canvas_html ~num_specs ~nested canvas =
let embed_canvas_html ~num_specs canvas =
let size_y = Array.length canvas in
let size_x = Array.length canvas.(0) in
let cells =
Expand All @@ -385,12 +386,7 @@ let embed_canvas_html ~num_specs ~nested canvas =
";z-index:" ^ Int.to_string (num_specs - priority)
let cell =
match nested cell with
| PrintBox_html.Render_html html -> html
| _ ->
"PrintBox_ext_plot.embed_canvas_html: unrecognized \
rendering backend"
PrintBox_html.((to_html cell :> toplevel_html))
Expand All @@ -413,21 +409,20 @@ let embed_canvas_html ~num_specs ~nested canvas =
^ Int.to_string size_x ^ ";height:" ^ Int.to_string size_y;
B.embed_rendering @@ PrintBox_html.Render_html result
PrintBox_html.embed_html result

let html_handler ext ~nested =
let html_handler config ext =
match ext with
| Plot { specs; x_label; y_label; size; no_axes; prec } ->
@@ plot ~prec ~no_axes ~size ~x_label ~y_label ~sparse:true
(embed_canvas_html ~num_specs:(List.length specs) ~nested)
| _ -> B.Unrecognized_extension
(PrintBox_html.to_html ~config
@@ plot ~prec ~no_axes ~size ~x_label ~y_label ~sparse:true
(embed_canvas_html ~num_specs:(List.length specs))
:> PrintBox_html.toplevel_html)
| _ -> invalid_arg "PrintBox_ext_plot.html_handler: unrecognized extension"

let () =
B.register_extension_handler ~backend_name:"text" ~example
B.register_extension_handler ~backend_name:"md" ~example ~handler:text_handler;
B.register_extension_handler ~backend_name:"html" ~example
PrintBox_text.register_extension ~key:"Plot" text_handler;
PrintBox_md.register_extension ~key:"Plot" md_handler;
PrintBox_html.register_extension ~key:"Plot" html_handler
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/printbox-ext-plot/PrintBox_ext_plot.mli
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ type PrintBox.ext +=
(** PrintBox extension for plotting: scatterplots, linear graphs, decision boundaries...
See {!graph} and {!plot_spec} for details. *)

val box : graph -> PrintBox.t
(** [box graph] is the same as [PrintBox.extension ~key:"Plot" (Plot graph)]. *)

val concise_float : (prec:int -> float -> string) ref
(** The conversion function for labeling axes. Defaults to [sprintf "%.*g"]. *)

Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/printbox-html/
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module H = Html

type 'a html = 'a Html.elt
type toplevel_html = Html_types.li_content_fun html
type PrintBox.ext_backend_result += Render_html of toplevel_html
type PrintBox.ext += Embed_html of toplevel_html

let prelude =
let l =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ module Config = struct
let tree_summary x c = { c with tree_summary = x }

let extensions : (string, Config.t -> PrintBox.ext -> toplevel_html) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 4

let register_extension ~key handler =
if Hashtbl.mem extensions key then
invalid_arg @@ "PrintBox_html.register_extension: already registered " ^ key;
Hashtbl.add extensions key handler

let embed_html html = B.extension ~key:"Embed_html" (Embed_html html)

let sep_spans sep l =
let len = List.length l in
Expand All @@ -130,8 +140,6 @@ let br_lines ~bold l =
@@ List.concat
@@ (String.split_on_char '\n') l

let get_handler = PrintBox.get_extension_handler ~backend_name:"html"

let to_html_rec ~config (b : B.t) =
let open Config in
let br_text_to_html ?(border = false) ~l ~style () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,14 +272,13 @@ let to_html_rec ~config (b : B.t) =
| B.Empty -> H.a ~a:[ H.a_id id ] []
| _ ->
H.a ~a:[ H.a_id id; H.a_href @@ "#" ^ id ] [ to_html_nondet_rec inner ])
| B.Ext { key = _; ext = Embed_html result } -> result
| B.Ext { key; ext } ->
let nested b = Render_html (to_html_rec b) in
(match get_handler ~key ext ~nested with
| PrintBox.Unrecognized_extension -> assert false
| PrintBox.Same_as b -> to_html_rec b
| Render_html result -> result
| _ ->
failwith "PrintBox_html.to_html: unrecognized extension handler result")
(match Hashtbl.find_opt extensions key with
| Some handler -> handler config ext
| None ->
failwith @@ "PrintBox_html.to_html: missing extension handler for "
^ key)
| _ -> loop to_html_rec b
and to_html_nondet_rec b =
match B.view b with
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/printbox-html/PrintBox_html.mli
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,14 @@ open Tyxml

type 'a html = 'a Html.elt
type toplevel_html = Html_types.li_content_fun html
type PrintBox.ext_backend_result += Render_html of toplevel_html

type PrintBox.ext +=
| Embed_html of toplevel_html
(** Injects HTML into a box. It is handled natively by [PrintBox_html].
NOTE: this extension is unlikely to be supported by other backends! *)

val embed_html : toplevel_html -> PrintBox.t
(** Injects HTML into a box. NOTE: this is unlikely to be supported by other backends! *)

val prelude : [> ] html
(** HTML text to embed in the "<head>", defining the style for tables *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +43,10 @@ module Config : sig
using the [<detalis>] HTML5 element. *)

val register_extension :
key:string -> (Config.t -> PrintBox.ext -> toplevel_html) -> unit
(** Add support for the extension with the given key to this rendering backend. *)

val to_html : ?config:Config.t -> PrintBox.t -> [ `Div ] html
(** HTML for one box *)

Expand Down

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