- Discover Restaurants
- Get the menu of that restaurant by location
- Order from the phone
- Get notified when your order is Ready
- Inventory management system for Restaurants
- Payment integration for faster Checkout / Skip huge line.
- Register Restaurants (name, address, phone, email, bank details, locations-lat-lng, category, pics, cost for 2, etc )
- Managed dashboard for Restaurants (Web App)
- Dashboard for Overview (a page to get revenue overview, table info, lined up booking, users waiting and dinin in realtime)
- Manage Menu, customise price, add items, delete items
- Tab app for internal use for workers
- Register Users (Name, contact, email, social login)
- Location based Menu showing
- ordering seamlessly with the menu provided
- Notifications for order status
- Payment after successful order placed
- Feedback and pics if allowed
- Node.js (heroku)
- MongoDB (mongolabs)
- Android (client)
- React.js (Dashboards)
Hitesh Dua [email protected] Manish Kumar [email protected]