Create a docker registry inside k8s
Create the namespace and PersistentVolumeClaim
kubectl apply -f ./k8s
Add the twuni repo to your local helm
helm repo add twuni
helm repo update
Install the registry
helm install docker-registry twuni/docker-registry -n docker-registry -f docker-registry-values.yaml
This will create the docker-registry.docker-registry service on port 5000 and create a nodePort on 30100. This is required since the kubernetes nodes will need to be able to get to the registry using localhost:30100.
Using codezero consume the registry
czctl compose start -f docker-registry-compose.yaml
Test that it works
curl -I http://docker-registry.docker-registry:5000/
If you local architecture is the same as your kubernetes architecture then you can use the following, if not skip to the building in kubernetes section.
Build hello
docker build -t hello:latest hello
Tag it for the docker-registry
docker tag hello:latest docker-registry.docker-registry:5000/hello:latest
Push it to the docker-registry
docker push docker-registry.docker-registry:5000/hello:latest
Deploy hello
kubectl apply -f hello.yaml
Consume the hello service
czctl compose start -f hello-compose.yaml
curl hello.hello-demo:8080
Create a buildx builder to use the kubernetes cluster
kubectl create namespace buildkit
docker buildx create \
--config ./buildkitd.toml \
--bootstrap \
--name=kube \
--driver=kubernetes \
Make sure the deployments are running
kubectl -n buildkit get deployments
Build the docker images and push to the docker-registry
docker buildx build \
--builder=kube \
--platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-t docker-registry.docker-registry:5000/hello:latest \
--push hello
Deploy hello
kubectl apply -f hello.yaml
Consume the hello service
czctl compose start -f hello-compose.yaml
curl hello.hello-demo:8080