standalone: fix opdir adding button in "code a new op" dialog on windows
standalone: add button to open selected dir in "code a new op" dialog
standalone: add button to open op-dir from opselect for local ops
standalone: remove unused commands
standalone: fix buildprocess for ops with node_modules
standalone: add op-dependencies (lib, corelib, commonjs, module, op, ...)
standalone: build exe-files on target hardware runners
standalone: rename code and classes to "electron"
standalone: fix display of "_v2" display for certain ops
standalone: fix build of OSC ops
bugfix: Ops.Color.ColorArraySort - Fix sorting of arrays with RGBA/RGB strides
bugfix: Ops.Devices.Midi.MidiNoteFilter - fix error when learning note
bugfix: Ops.Math.TriggerRandomNumber_v3 - do not generate new random number when changing parameters, only on trigger
bugfix: Ops.Sidebar.Incrementor_v3 - fix button size
bugfix: Ops.Trigger.TriggerOnChangeString_v2 - New version: will trigger on patch load, if the string is not empty
feature: Ops.Color.ColorArraySort - Added a "Reverse Sort" check button
feature: Ops.Color.ColorArraySort - Added an "Alpha" sorting option
feature: Ops.Gl.CanvasInfo_v3 - Added output "resize", which will be triggered when canvas size has changed
feature: Ops.Html.AlignElement - Added trigger input to force an update
feature: Ops.Html.AlignElement - Position offset inputs
feature: Ops.Html.Elements.Element_v2 - Interactive elements are not always keyboard focussable (tabindex) and clickable by keyboard space and enter keys
improvement: Ops.Array.ArrayOfObjectsFilterByKeyValue_v2 - filter array even with empty or null seachvalue, do no longer return full array
improvement: Ops.Cables.GetSubPatchName - added shortname output
improvement: Ops.Cables.GetSubPatchName - updates when subpatch was cloned and recreated
improvement: Ops.Color.ColorArraySort - Added user warning if array is not dividable by 3 or 4
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetArrayValuesByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetNumberByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetObjectByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ArrayGetStringByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetArrayByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetArrayValuesByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetNumberByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetNumberByPath - wrong path is not an error anymore, but a warning
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetObjectByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetStringByPath - change errorlevels, show hint when no path provided
improvement: Ops.Data.JsonPath.ObjectGetStringByPath - wrong path is not an error anymore, but a warning
improvement: Ops.Devices.Mouse.Mouse_v3 - Canvas area is now cropped and will not change outside of the canvas area
improvement: Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Cables.CustomOp - refactor to use new op class
improvement: Ops.Extension.Deprecated.Cables.CustomOp_v2 - refactor to use new op class
improvement: Ops.Gl.GLTF.GltfScene_v4 - Fix loading meshes with hi polycount without no face indices
improvement: Ops.Gl.TextureToArray_v4 - New version: always output floating point numbers
improvement: Ops.Html.Attributes.ElementAccessibility - Add aria Label and labeledBy
improvement: Ops.Html.Event.ElementEventListener_v2 - Added passthrough of element
improvement: Ops.String.HandleBarsHtml_v2 - remove patch-library, load from oplibs
new op: Ops.Array.ArrayRemoveFalsy - Remove falsy items from an array
new op: Ops.Graphics.ArrayToExr - convert and download an array of numbers as an .exr image file
new op: Ops.Html.CSS.CssClass - Create a CSS class for styling other elements
new op: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementAddClass - add css class to/from a HTML element
new op: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementRemoveClass - remove css class to/from a HTML element
new op: Ops.Html.Event.ElementsArrayEventHandler - register and handle events on multiple html elements
new op: Ops.Sidebar.SidebarElement - Add custom HTML Elements into the sidebar
new op: Ops.String.StringRemoveCharacters - Remove every occurances of given characters from a string
new op: Ops.Vars.TriggerVarGetArray - Get an array variable value at time of trigger
new op: Ops.Vars.TriggerVarGetArray - Get an array variable value at time of trigger
new op: Ops.Vars.TriggerVarGetObject - Get an object variable value at time of trigger
Editor: Show op name in suggestions and patch summary to make this more visible to the user
Much progress on new WebGPU core implementation, compatibility layer etc.
editor: add link time warning for ports that need string values and not empty string
editor: better css scoping, e.g. cables hidden class hidden for user css
editor: dragging ops and inserting into cables will be positioned perfectly on the x axis below the parent op
editor: fix linebreak in rename op modal for very long opnames
editor: fix problem empty strings would become "0" in some cases
editor: fix syntax highlighting for html
editor: hide gradient editor when clicking outside of gradient dialog
editor: improved keyboard tab key support for parameter list
editor: keep youtube ids and example patch when creating new version of op
editor: param inputs: handle invalid math expressions
editor: param inputs: pressing tab should always evaluate math expressions
editor: pressing cmd+f again, while still open: select text in input field
editor: rework adding libraries to ops, make es-module inclusion possible, add loading libraries of other ops
editor: show a trigger button for ports, even when they are connected
export: make exe export (electron) not throttle rendering when in background mode
export: make exe export (electron) not throttle rendering when in background mode
editor: do not switch to filemanager after uploading op-dependency
editor: add download button to uploaded op-dependencies
better code documentation via jsDocs
improve eslint and jsconfig rules
build process: display filename and location of error in webpack error messages
build scripts: fix some errors were ignored, will now show error
clean up source code, modernize code etc,
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