1 commit
to develop
since this release
allow opening devtools in external window (e.g. ExternalCanvas)
fix coding new ops in project where the opdir (./ops) does not exist
fix creating of subpatchops, always put them in directory relative to project (./ops)
bugfix: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssColor - fixed css opacity/alpha values
bugfix: Ops.Ui.VizTrigger - Fix bug when op crashed when very small
feature: Ops.Array.InfoArray3 - added center point output
feature: Ops.Html.CSS.ElementCssText - added option to disable user selection of text
feature: Ops.Html.Elements.Element_v2 - size can now be chosen to be in different units like % or vh,vw etc
feature: Ops.Ui.VizTrigger - Show count as circle overlay
new op: Ops.Html.Css.ElementBackDropFilter - Set CSS backdrop filter like blur, contrast, brightness, saturation
new op: Ops.Html.Css.ElementMargin - Set CSS margins of a html element
completly rewritten timeline/keyframing user interface
open links to ops in new window, after rename, remove link to old op
make sure all namespaceparts are uppercase when creating new op
fix bug when exporting project with invalid/missing assets
fix missing template for fileinfo in asset library
fix loading of list of attachments when deleting from an op and opening the editor
op search: tweaked abbreviation search: scores, and uppercase query will scoreabbreviations higher
fixed focused element at start
improve code documentation / type definitions / d.ts. file generation
build process: create typedef files to use in jsdoc
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