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Lucas Partridge edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 10 revisions

This is a fork of Wisp. Apache Zeppelin has limited plotting capability, although it's growing all the time! The purpose of this fork is to allow Zeppelin users to create Highcharts plots within their Zeppelin notebook paragraphs using Scala syntax.

Build the code into a fat jar suitable for Apache Zeppelin

$ git clone
$ cd wisp
$ sbt 'project wisp' ++2.10.5 assembly

Import the fat jar into Zeppelin

From within a notebook's paragraph, issue these commands:


Import the new commands

In another paragraph, do this to make the new commands available:

import com.quantifind.charts.Figures._

(Precede this with %spark if spark is not your default interpreter.)

Sample commands

All of these can be issued in the same paragraph:

val fig1 = newFigure()
fig1.pie(1 to 5)
fig1.line((1 to 10), (1 to 10))