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A 'framework' framework.


  • Why?
    • I prefer smaller frameworks that allow for open ended extension with less dependencies to use for my own projects.
    • Also, why not? 🤷
  • What?
    • This project follows the 80/20 adage in supporting 20% of the features you use 80% of the time and will never be as featureful as dedicated projects for specific domains.
    • Most modules provide an API with middleware for extension.
  • How?
    • Currently, the best documentation is the source and tests in this package. As time permits, I will add more verbose documentation and examples.


  • This is a collection of APIs mostly designed to be used together. The two main sources of documentation are this and the Typedoc generated documentation.
  • This readme is meant to be an overview of this project while the documentation will be expanded at a later date.


  • The goal of this project is to be as small as possible.
  • API cronstructors provide a standard API and middleware extension framework. Specific use case functionality is supposed to use 'userland' middleware for implementation.
  • The targeted interpreters are node, browsers and Electron. Deno will be verified in the future.



  • The cache module provides the Cache<K, V> interface and two implementations: MapCache<K, V> class and createMapCache<K, V> constructor.
  • The MapCache class provides a simple implementation of the interface using a Map<K, V> to store values.
  • The createMapCache constructor implements middleware so that each method, except the name getter, can be extended via middleware. The last middleware in the chain is ./cache/middleware.ts and provides baseline cache method functionality.
  • For more detail, see source, middleware and tests.

MapCache Class Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { MapCache } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

type CustomType = {
  // typedef here

const mapCacheClassInstance = new MapCache<string, CustomType>();
const key = 'key';
const valueOne: CustomType = {};
mapCacheClassInstance.setValue(key, valueOne);
mapCacheClassInstance.hasValue(key) // true

createMapCache Constructor Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { CACHE_ACTIONS, createMapCache } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

type CustomType = {
  // typedef here

const myHashingFunction = (input) => {
  // logic here: MD5, SHA256 etc

const cacheKey = (hashingFunction: typeof Function) => {
  return (api: Record<any, any>) => {
    const { type } = api?.action;

    return (middleware: any) => {
      return (params: Record<any, any>) => {
        if (type === CACHE_ACTIONS.CACHE_SET_VALUE) {
          const hashKey = hashingFunction(value);
          return middleware({ key: `${key}-${hashkey}`, value });
        return middleware(params);

const mapCacheInstance = createMapCache<string, CustomType>({
  middleware: [{ middleware: cacheKey(myHashingFunction) }],

const key = 'key';
const valueOne: CustomType = {};
mapCacheInstance.setValue(key, valueOne);


  • This is a collection of common functional combinators and are still heavily WIP.
  • Not yet recommended for use.
  • These will eventually allow for easy typing and code block integration.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.


  • This is a convenience API based off of the TypeScript handbook documentation for decorators.
  • This implementation provides a Decorator<T, V, R>, type as well as a universal createDecorator<T, V, R> constructor with convenience constructors for each type of decorator.
  • This decorator API supports middleware for constructors so that functionality can be easily reused.
  • For more detailed examples, see decorator test specs.
  • For detailed parameter decorator implementations, see TypeScript's Handbook.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

Class Decorator Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createClassDecorator } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myDecoratorMiddleware = () => {} // see middleware docs

const middleware = [{
  middleware: myDecoratorMiddleware,

const callback = (params: Record<any, any>) => {
  const {
    api,    // the middleware api
    target, // the class prototype
  } = params;

  // decorator code here
  // target is mutated and there is no return

const MyClassDecorator = createClassDecorator({

class Test {
  constructor() {}

Class Method Decorator Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createClassMemberDecorator } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myDecoratorMiddleware = () => {} // see middleware docs

const middleware = [{
  middleware: myDecoratorMiddleware,

const callback = (params: Record<any, any>) => {
  const {
    api,          // the middleware api
    target,       // the class prototype
    propertyKey,  // the name of the method
    descriptor,   // The property descriptor of method definition
  } = params;

  // decorator code here
  // descriptor is mutated and there is no return

const MyClassMethodDecorator = createClassMemberDecorator({

class Test {
  constructor() {}

  method() {}

Class Property Decorator Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createClassMemberDecorator } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myDecoratorMiddleware = () => {} // see middleware docs

const middleware = [{
  middleware: myDecoratorMiddleware,

const callback = (params: Record<any, any>) => {
  const {
    api,          // the middleware api
    target,       // the class prototype
    propertyKey,  // the name of the method
  } = params;

  // decorator code here
  // property accessors are mutated and there is no return
  // Easiest approach is using `Reflect.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, { get, set })`

const MyClassPropertyDecorator = createClassMemberDecorator({

class Test {
  // Initialization with assignment is currently not supported with TypeScript property decorators
  declare val : string;

Class Method Parameter Decorator Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createClassMemberDecorator } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myDecoratorMiddleware = () => {} // see middleware docs

const middleware = [{
  middleware: myDecoratorMiddleware,

const callback = (params: Record<any, any>) => {
  const {
    api,            // the middleware api
    parameterIndex, // parameter arity index
    propertyKey,    // the name of the method
  } = params;

  // decorator code here
  // no return
  // see

const MyClassParameterDecorator = createClassMemberDecorator({

class Test {
  method(@MyClassParameterDecorator param) {}


  • The HTTPClient<R> constructor uses types made from MDN and RFC documentation (see source for links) and simplifies creating fetch based requests with middleware support for request and response handling.
  • There are additional convenience constructors for creating APIs based on HTTPClient: clientFactory (scoped by HTTP method) and createHttpClient (all HTTP methods).
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

HTTPClient Request Handling Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { HttpClient } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myTokenGenerator = () => {};

const auth = (getToken: typeof Function) => {
  return (api: Record<any, any>) => {
    const { type } = api?.action;

    return (middleware: any) => {
      return (params: Record<any, any>) => {
        const {
        } = params;

        if (type === 'HTTP_REQUEST') {
          const token = getToken(requestOptions);
          const init = requestOptions[1] || {};
          if (init.headers) {
            init.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer: ${token}`);
          } else {
            init.headers = new Headers([['Authorization', `Bearer: ${token}`]]);; 
          requestOptions[1] = init;

        return middleware(params);

const client = HttpClient({
  middleware: [{ middleware: auth(myTokenGenerator) }],
  requestInitOptions: {
    method: 'GET',
  request: 'https://url',

await client()
  .then(resp => {
    console.log(resp.headers.get('Authorization')); // `Bearer: ${token}`

HTTPClient Response Handling Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { HttpClient } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myResponseParser = () => {};

const responseHandler = (api: Record<any, any>) => {
  const { type } = api?.action;

  return (middleware: any) => {
    return (params: Record<any, any>) => {
      const {
      } = params;

      if (type === 'HTTP_RESPONSE') {
        return myResponseParser(result);
      return middleware(params);

const client = HttpClient({
  middleware: [{ middleware: responseHandler }],
  requestInitOptions: {
    method: 'GET',
  request: 'https://url',

await client()
  .then(resp => {
    console.log(resp); // response was automatically handled by myResponseParser


  • This API provides the createLogger<F> constructor with middleware support for line creation and line logging.
  • The default middleware provides JSON and string formatted support with console.log functionality. The makeJsonLine middleware automatically creates a SQLite compatible DATATIME timestamp for each logged line.


  • Middleware can be written to support custom telemetry workflows as well.
  • For more detail, see source, middleware and tests.

Logger Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createLogger } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const myFormatter = () => {}; // see ./logger/middlerware.ts 

const logger = createLogger<string>({
  formatter: myFormatter,
  prefix: 'Custom Prefix',

> [2049-04-4T12:00:00:000 | INFO | Custom Prefix]: test


  • This API provides the createMatcher<A, B> constructor with middleware support for extendable assertions. The intended use case is for data validation eg: form fields, etc.
  • The createProxiedMatcher<A, B> allows for a flexible micro-assertion library extendable via middleware. This throws for any failure. These use cases might be less universally needed.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

Matcher Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createMatcher } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const assertTrue = (_: any) => {
  return (_: any) => {
    return (...params: any[]) => {
      return params[0] === params[1];

type MyInputTypes = string | number;

const assertTrueMatcher = createMatcher<number | string>({
  middleware: [{ middleware: assertTrue }],

assertTrueMatcher('test', 'test') // true
assertTrueMatcher(false, 'false') // type error and also false 

Proxied Matcher Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createProxiedMatcher } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const assertTrue = (_: any) => {
  return (_: any) => {
    return (...params: any[]) => {
      return params[0] === params[1];

const proxiedMatcher = createProxiedMatcher<number | string>({
  defaultTarget: {},
  middleware: [{ middleware: assertTrue }],

// matcher
proxiedMatcher.match(true, true);

// seperate expect() chain added, see source for features


  • This API provides a generic way to add middleware to any project. It is based on the apply/A+compose/B combinator approach that Redux uses.
  • This main entrypoint for this API is createMiddlewareApi<T, R> as it provides defaults for all parameters not passed in. If you want more control or a simpler implementation, use applyMiddleware<T, R> instead.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.
  • NOTE: The types/generics in this API might change in the future.

createMiddlewareApi Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createMiddlewareApi } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

// API object constructor
const createApi = (...args) => {
  return {
    myOtherFunction() {},
    middleware() {}, // added to middleware chain

// Array of middleware
const middleware =  [{
  data: {}, // to be used in transform for sorting, reshaping etc
  middleware: myMiddleWare,

// compare function: (a, b) => -1, 0, 1
const sort = () => {};

// An Array.prorotype.reduce callback function
//  allows for arbitrary reshaping of the array of middleware.
const transform = (accumulator, current, index, array) => {};

// - Each one of these parameters has a corresponding
//   passthrough default if not provided
// - `middleware` is the only one really needed for most use cases
const api = createMiddlewareApi({

const result = api.middleware(args);

React utils

  • The one thing currently provided in mountRootComponent which handles bootstrapping the root React component into the document.body.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

mountRootComponent Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { mountRootComponent } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';
import { App } from './App';

const logger = () => {};
const renderFunc = () => {};

  Component: App,
  logger, // optional. for error reporting. console.warn is default.
  renderFunc, // optional. handles mounting root component. defaults to React 18.x boilerplate. 
  rootElement: '#content-root', // CSS selector string or HTMLElement reference of root HTMLElement


  • There are three APIs: createHistory, createReducer, and createStore. The history and reducer APIs are self contained while the store API combines them together.
  • The createHistoryController<T, S> API manages a History<T, S> instance with storing states in the past, current and future.
  • The createReducer<T, S> API manages a ReducerAction<T, S, A> collection. This can be reused in different stores for composable functionality.
  • The createStore<T, S, A> API combines a history controller and reducer collection to dispatch actions to. By default undo, redo and jumpToRevision are supported.
  • States have at least a revisionId and value property and actions have at least a type.
  • For more detail, see

Store actions Example:

const reducers = {
  math: {
    add: numberAdd(state, action) => state,
  strings: {
    add: stringAdd(state, action) => state,

// results in actionOne = { type: 'math/add' }, and actionTwo = { type: 'strings/add' }

createHistoryController Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createHistoryController } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

// can be pre-seeded with data
const history = {
  past: [],
  current: null,
  future: [],

const historyController = createHistoryController({ history });

createReducer Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createReducer } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const addAction = (state, action) => state;

const actions = {
  'ADD': addAction,

type MyStateValueType = {
  // fields

const reducer = createReducer<MyStateValueType>({

createStore Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createStore } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const reducers = {
  math: {
    add: numberAdd, // (state, action) => state,
  strings: {
    add: stringAdd, // (state, action) => state,

const reducer = createStore({

const result = store.dispatch({
  type: 'math/add',
  data: {},


  • The resource API is for creating dynamically generated resource URLs for use with Workers and other frameworks that require URLs for construction.
  • There are two stand alone constructors createTextResource and createResource with the main difference in that createTextResource is restricted to all 'text/*' mime types and returns a tag function for string template setup and createResource returns a curried function for default plus instance param merging.
  • There is also a ResourceController which is a singleton controller designed to manage all resources per JavaScript realm.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

createTextResource Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createTextResource } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const factory = x => x;
const name = 'test';

const textResource = createTextResource({
  factory, // optional. used for any custom resource content formatting.
  mimeType: 'text/javascript',
  name, // optional. the name of the resource.
self.addEventListener('message', () => { console.log('i am being used for a Worker.'); });

const worker = new Worker(textResource.url);

createResource Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { createResource } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const factory = x => x;
const name = 'test';
const data = `self.addEventListener('message', () => { console.log('i am being used for a Worker.');`;

// Passing default parameters
const workerScript = createResource({
  factory, // optional. used for any custom resource content formatting.
  mimeType: 'text/javascript',
  name, // optional. the name of the resource.

const resource = workerScript({ data });
const worker = new Worker(resource.url);

ResourceController Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { ResourceController } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const factory = x => x;
const name = 'test';
const data = `self.addEventListener('message', () => { console.log('I am being used for a Worker.');`;

const resourceController = new ResourceController();

const resource = resourceController.create({
  mimeType: 'text/javascript',

const worker = new Worker(resource.url);
const workerTwo = new Worker(resource.url); // will now fail


  • This API is inspired by the combination of state reducer and database transaction patterns. Each stage in the transaction chain is handled by a middleware handler with data flowing throw them like a state reducer - state and action. Commit processes the steps in forward order while rollback() processes in reverse order to return related entities back into the origin state.
  • Each middleware should account for handling both TRANSACTION_COMMIT and TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK middleware actions.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

Transaction Example:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import {
  type Action,
  type State,
} from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const state: State<T> = {};
const action: Action<T> = {}; 
const middleware = []; // your transaction handling middleware

const createTxRunner = createTransaction({

const runner = createTxRunner(state, action);

try {
} catch(_: any) {


  • The URLManager class is a small extension of the existing URL interface to track generated object URLs from URL.createObjectUrl.
  • It also adds a convenience get/set for search params as Record<string, string>.
  • There is also a convenience static property currentUrl which returns a URLManager instance of globalThis.location.href.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

URLManager Examples:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { URLManager } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const blob = new Blob(['test'], { type 'text/plain' });

const url = URLManager.createObjectUrl(blob);
URLManager.objectUrls.includes(url); // true

// currentUrl
const currentUrl = URLManager.currentUrl;

// params
const url = new URLManager('https://domain?key=val');
> {
>   key: 'val',
> }

url.params = { key: 'valTwo' };
> 'https://dommain?key=valTwo'


  • This is a collection of functions mostly to support other APIs. These are tested but highly in flux. The rest will be documented in future versions when they are stabilized.
  • For more detail, see source and tests.

Utils Examples:

// Not meant to be a complete example

import { randomInteger, randomString } from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

const num = randomInteger(); // default 4 digits
typeof num === 'number';
const numTwo = randomInteger(20, { bigint: true });
typeof numTwo === 'bigint';
const str = randomString(); // default 10 characters
typeof str === 'string';
const strTwo = randomString(100);
typeof strTwo === 'string';
strTwo.length === 100; // true


  • These are convenience types to support APIs here and in other projects.
  • For more detail, see source.
// Not meant to be a complete example

import type {
} from '@caffedpkg/microcore';

// AnyObject<any> is essentially the same as Record<any, any>
const obj: AnyObject = {};

// ArrowFunction is a union type of all arrow function signatures
const myFunc = (callback: ArrowFunction): void => {};

// Callable is a conditional type used for defining arrow function signatures
// Constructable is a conditional type used for defining function constructor signatures
type MyType<R> = {
  callback: Callable<[first: FirstParamType, second: SecondParamType], any>;
  constructor: Constructable<any, R>;

// ConstructorFunction is a union type of all constructor function signatures
const myFunc = (constructor: ConstructorFunction): void => new constructor();

// MimeType is a string template type that constrains mime type strings to mostly valid
const mimeType: MimeType = 'image/png';
const badMimeType: MimeType = 'string/text';


NOTE: This project will follow semver guidelines
  • 0.1.0
    • First alpha release
  • 0.2.0
    • Bug fixes.
    • The rest of the roadmap completed


  • Currently, this package is for my project needs so large changes will be ignored.

  • Please see the contributing guidelines and the code of conduct for more information regarding submitting feature requests and bugs.


Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2022-present Carlo Mogavero.

See LICENSE for more information.