This is a simple utility that helps maintaining two Grafana instances in a selective sync.
It makes sense in a following setup:
- You want to have a public (or private but with a single layer user privileges) Grafana dashboard server, but you don't want to allow users to edit the dashboards.
- Also, you want this public server setup to be 100% scriptable, so it's dashboard are stored in a repository along with the setup script (typically Ansible). The server can then periodically pull the repo with the dashboard folder to keep the dashboards up-to-date.
- To allow dashboard creation, you set-up a second Grafana server (a sandbox server) that is private with single layer of user privileges, where any logged-in user can develop their dashboards.
- When a user develops a sensible dashboard on the sandbox server, you want to publish this dashboard on the public server. This is where Grafana Publisher comes in.
Grafana publisher scans a Grafana instance (the sanbox server) for dashboards
tagged with a selected keyword (default: Published
), and then looks
for versions that contains a selected phrase (default: Publish
and commits those dashboards to the public server's dashboard repository.
From there, the dashboards will eventually get pulled and updated in the public
The most logical way to run this script is in a time-scheduled CI job (as Grafana does not have webhooks for dashboard-editing events). For that reason, a Dockerfile is provided so you can build a Docker container that you can run with configuration environment variables.
Poetry install (from repo):
$ git clone $ cd grafana-publisher $ poetry install
Grafana publisher works as follows:
- If the target repository that stores target Grafana dashboard definitions is Gitlab hosted, it checks the repository's last commit date via GitLab API.
- It checks the source Grafana instance for new versions of tagged dashboards
and looks for versions with defined keyword or key-phrase in the
version message:
- The default keyword is
- The default keyphrase is
Publish: <some commit message>
. If this format is used, the commit message is propagated into the target repository commit message.
- The default keyword is
- If no new versions are detected at the source Grafana instance, Grafana publisher exits.
- If new versions of dashboards tagged for publishing are available, those are copied into the target repository (maintaining folder structure of the source Grafana instance.
- Target repository is comitted and pushed.
There are two basic ways how to use Grafana publisher:
- Everything, including the git tasks on the target repository (cloning, committing, pushing), is done by Grafana publisher. This method is useful when Grafana publisher is run as as a standalone service.
- The target repository is provided as working directory, Grafana publisher takes care of the update (checking with source Grafana instance, updating the new dashboard versions), but the git tasks with the target repository are are done separately. This method is useful when Grafan publisher is run as part of a CI process on a pre-existing working directory structure of the target repo.
Selection of method is done via configuration.
Grafana publisher uses Onacol as the configuration library, that means that it can be configured via YAML config file, command-line parameters, environment variables or a combination thereof.
Basic configuration is listed in the example config file, generated with command
grafana_publisher --get-config-template test_config.yaml
api_token: # Grafana API access token (Generate in your grafana instance, must be "Editor" level)
url: # Root URL of your grafana instance.
published_tag: Published # Tag that marks tracked dashboards
publish_message: Publish # Tag that marks dashboard versions that shall be published.
repo_url: '' # Target repository URL. Use "local" for work on local repo.
clone_path: . # Directory path to which the target repo is/will be cloned.
dashboard_path: # Directory path within the target repo that contains the dashboard folder/file structure.
branch: master # Which branch on the target repo should be used to commit updates.
commit_and_push: true # Whether commit and push to the target repo should be done by the Grafana Publisher.
commit_log_file: # If set, the human-readable update summary will be output to a file.
gitlab: # If the target repo is on Gitlab instance, it's API can be used to check the update status without cloning.
url: # URL of the Gitlab instance storing the target repo.
access_token: # Access token for the Gitlab repo.
project_id: # Project ID for the repo on the Gitlab instance.
log_level: INFO # Logging level (use Python logging values - DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
To use Grafana publisher in the way described above as method 2 (git operations
are done by external script), use target_repo:repo_url: "local"
Using configuration file, the Grafana publisher is run in a following way:
$ grafana_publisher --config <your_config_file.yaml>
For configuration via environment variables, see this example Gitlab CI definition:
PUBLISHER_USER_NAME: Grafana Publisher
PUBLISHER_EMAIL: [email protected]
GRAFPUB_GRAFANA_SRC__URL: <source grafana URL>
- load
stage: load
image: <your docker image with grafana_publisher>
- git config "${PUBLISHER_USER_NAME}"
- git config "${PUBLISHER_EMAIL}"
- git remote set-url origin <your target repo>
- git checkout master
- git pull
- grafana_publisher
# In case of no changes, exit
- '[ ! -f ${GRAFPUB_TARGET_REPO__COMMIT_LOG_FILE} ] && echo "No changes detected, skipping the rest." && echo "skipped" > .runner-result && exit 0'
# Otherwise, commit and push
- git push
- when: manual
allow_failure: true
- internal
Note that environment variables starting with prefix GRAFPUB
are matching the
configuration settings described in the configuration file. See Onacol for
details on this configuration method.