This tool helps with migration of process solutions from Camunda Platform 7 to Camunda Platform 8. This is described in the migration guide
This projects contains:
- An adapter library to re-use Java Delegates or expressions from Camunda Platform 7 when running Camunda Platform 8
- An example containing a sample process solution for Camunda Platform 7 and the migrated version that runs on Camunda Platform 8
- A process diagram converter that is implemented
in Java and performs checks and migration
- A web frontend with graphical output of the conversion result
- A command line tool to support mass conversion
- A Process Instance Migration Tool to migrate instances of a converted process definition to Camunda Platform 8
- A migration script to migrate Cawemo projects to Web Modeler
- A curated list of community migration approaches
Some features you see in the code might not yet be available in a released
version. You can find the SNAPSHOT