Enables a Cantina app to use mysql.
- app.mysql.query - A connection-pooled version of
that mysql exposes.
- pool - The size of connection pool to use.
- ... - All other configuraiton is passed to the
mysql: {
pool: 10,
// Implied from node-mysql ...
// The hostname of the database you are connecting to.
host: 'localhost',
// The port number to connect to.
port: 3306,
// The path to a unix domain socket to connect to. When used host and
// port are ignored.
socketPath: null,
// The MySQL user to authenticate as.
user: 'root',
// The password of that MySQL user.
password: null,
// Name of the database to use for this connection (Optional).
database: null,
// The charset for the connection.
charset: 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI',
// Allow connecting to MySQL instances that ask for
// the old (insecure) authentication method.
insecureAuth: false,
// Determines if column values should be converted to native
// JavaScript types.
typeCast: true,
// Prints protocol details to stdout.
debug: false,
// Allow multiple mysql statements per query.
// Be careful with this, it exposes you to SQL
// injection attacks.
multipleStatements: false
Developed by Terra Eclipse
Terra Eclipse, Inc. is a nationally recognized political technology and strategy firm located in Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, D.C.