Merge pull request #53 from capacitor-community/capacitor-v3 f5aa55d
Merge branch 'master' into capacitor-v3 6c19c9b
0.3.2 5fbb7bf
build: omit tests and build artifacts from npm releases 47c0458
Added rollup to the build command to generate support for CJS and UNPKG, indirectly adding support for Browserify. (#89 ) db278b7
docs: add vkyeswa as a contributor (#88 ) 196c4b2
databaseUrl should not be required in config (#73 ) e3c059b
docs: add ptmkenny as a contributor (#85 ) 93651e9
README: update compatibility table to match current code (#83 ) 8593904
docs: add ptmkenny as a contributor (#75 ) 7057a8b
0.3.2-beta.0 496faac
docs: add gabrielscarvalho as a contributor (#80 ) e041f43
fix: use task api to handle getAppInstanceId (#76 ) c37d7d7
docs: add salohcin714 as a contributor (#79 ) ab78edd
docs: add slajar as a contributor (#78 ) 42288c8
docs: add tobium as a contributor (#77 ) 026b0fe
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