Running a the Gogs Git service as a container within OSE v3 (Beta4), with a persistant volume to survive restarts.
Currently it is configured to run in the infra labeled nodes (i.e. the master) and uses the codeskyblue/docker-gogs docker image.
##OSE Environment Config
This assumes you have followed the training in Using persistent storage. So from that the following would be configured :
nfs-utils installed
Firewall Configured
SELinux Configured
Create another export
mkdir -p /var/export/gogs chown nfsnobody:nfsnobody /var/export/gogs chmod 700 /var/export/gogs
and add the following line:/var/export/gogs *(rw,sync,all_squash)
exportfs -a
Running exportfs
you should see something similar to:
This assumes you are creating this within the default namespace, i.e. running as the admin user. If you wish to create a seperate project to run this in then step one (Creating the PersistantVolume) still needs to be ran as the admininistrator.
Create the PersistantVolume:
osc create -f persistent-volume.yaml
Create the PersistantVolumeClaim
osc create -f persistent-volume-claim.yaml
Create the pods, service & route
osc create -f gogs.yaml
OSE will do the running for you! First run you will have to config Gogs.
Head to http://gogs.cloudapps.example.com/ (That is the entry the route creates) which on first run will send you to the install page
Change the Path to
Change the Repository Root Path to
Change the Domain to
Change the Application URL to
Configure a username/password for the admin user
Hit the Install Gogs button
You should see the files for the DB be created on the master under the /var/export/gogs directory