Helps you to automize tasks and create chatbots in Zenkit.
npm install @caretech-owl/zenkit-sdk
requires an API key which can be passed as an environment variable ZENKIT_API_KEY
or inside a .env
# a) use environment variables ...
# b) ... or use a .env file
npm run <your_target>
import { Zenkit } from "@caretech-owl/zenkit-sdk";
// get your user object
const zenkit = await Zenkit.createAsync();
// retrieve a workspace, you can pass a known workspace ID
// or a regular expression
const workspace = zenkit.workspace("[Ww]orkspace.*");
const sameWorkspace = zenkit.workspace(;
// collections can be retrieved the same way
const collection = workspace.collection("[Cc]ollection.*")
const sameCollection = workspace.collection(
// collection can be retrieved from your main object as well
const identicalCollection = zenkit.collection("[Cc]ollection.*")
// to retrieve entries, collections must be populated first
// otherwise they will be empty
await collection.populate()
// now entries can be retrieved by their primary key or ID
const entry = collection.entry("My (first )?[En]try")
const sameEntry = collection.entry(
// we can comment this entry
await entry.comment("Hello World");
// we can retrieve fields and get or set their values
const textField = entry.field("A text field");
// entries will not be updated instantly
// you need to commit changes once you are done
await entry.commit();
// in case you want to process events you can use webhooks
// a) in case you want to receive notifications for all comments
// in a workspace
// b) for all commments in a collection
// c) for all comments in an entry
// webhooks can be managed from your main object.
// if you created webhooks after you created the zenkit object,
// you need to sync it first
await zenkit.sync();
const myWebhooks = zenkit.webhooks();
// to delete a webhook you can call 'delete' on the webhook object
// this will delete the first webhook
await myWebhooks[0].delete();
You can also create webhooks directly in case you need more control about what kind of event you need to listen to:
import { Zenkit, Webhook, TriggerType } from "@caretech-owl/zenkit-sdk";
await Webhook.createWebhook(