This is an alternate implementation of an assembler for the Four-Bit-Badge, inspired by an implementation by Mike Szczys. Mike's version uses a classic pythonic approach, and seems to be well-written using ordinary token string manipulation.
This version is an experiment using a more perlesque implementation based on regular expression processing, to see how these 2 approaches compare.
Warning: This is an incomplete implementation. Some questions on the requirements and specifications remain to be addressed.
For command line help: -h -h
To run a test, execute the
script. This will assemble test input with valid statements and error statements. The resulting output binary is compared with a reference implementation. The reference binary is dissassembled and the source code generated is assembled and compared with the
Test files:
Assembly test with valid and error statementstest.lst
Assembly listing outputtest.bin
Assembly binary outputtest2.bin
Reference copy of test.bintest2.s
Dissassembled output with hex codetest3.s
Dissassembled test2.bin without hex codetest3.bin
Re-assembled test3.s binary outputtest3.lst
Listing output of test3.s assembly