A Qt-based pet game and screensaver written in C++, along with a linux kernel module, targeting the Beagleboard BeagleBone Black
Final Project for EC535: Embedded Systems, by Carlton Knox and Raina Yin
For more information, check out our report: EC535_pet_game.pdf
- c/c++ compilers for your target system
- qmake
- (optional) Qt creator community
To build the game, run:
qmake pet_game.pro
Then run it with: ./pet_game
To build the screensaver, run:
qmake pet_game_screensaver.proo
and then build the screensaver kernel module with:
make -C kernel_module
To run the screensaver, copy ./kernelmodule/kscreensaverlauncher.ko
and ./pet_game_screensaver
to your target linux system, then run:
chmod +x ./pet_game_screensaver
mknod /dev/kscreensaverlauncher c 61 0
insmod ./kscreensaverlauncher.ko
This screensaver is assuming that you have an input device corresponding to /dev/input/event0
. After 15 seconds of no activity, the screensaver will launch.
To stop the kernel module, run
rmmod ./kscreensaverlauncher.ko
Art by Raina Yin.