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carmnk edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

CFlexRow is a Layout component representing a <div> Flexbox containing n flex <spans>, where n=amount of flex cols.

<div css={css`` display; flex>
<span>1st span</span>
<span>2nd span</span>
<span>nth span</span>

Component Characteristics

  • React class component


  • @emotion/core (simple css inline-styling)
  • Context (experimental)


  • render()
  • componentDidMount() - no functionality/experimental except of adding window.resize event listener
  • componentDidUpdate() - no functionality/experimental
  • onResize() - no functionality/experimental


Props Description Default Valid Input
or ccontent
children has priority
children of span elements ?, undefined, null? any JSX element
wrapped in {[ and seperated by ,
<CFlexRow>{["1", "2"]}</CFlexRow
show css restricted display toggle
-> if true=> display: flex;
-> else=> display: none;
true bool
flexbasis css flex-basis of span elements (1/n)*100% n x css-length (px, em, %...)
wrapped in {[ and seperated by ,
<CFlexRow flexbasis={["50%", "50%"]}> ...</CFlexRow>
minwidth css min-width of span elements if flexbasis[i] abs in px=> minwidth[i]=flexbasis[i]
if flexbasis[i] is undefined or "auto => ""
if one flexbasis is abs (but not current)=>minwidth[i]="0%"
else => "350px" (FOCUS ON PARAGRAPHS)
n x css-length (px, em, %...)
wrapped in {[ and seperated by ,
<CFlexRow minwidth={["50%", "50%"]}> ...</CFlexRow>
maxwidth css max-width of span elements if flexbasis[i] abs in px=> maxwidth[i]=flexbasis[i]
else => maxwidth[i]=""
n x css-length (px, em, %...)
wrapped in {[ and seperated by ,
<CFlexRow minwidth={["50%", "50%"]}> ...</CFlexRow>
alignitems css align-items of div element
vertically align items
"stretch" "stretch", "flex-start", "flex-end", "center"
justifycontent css justify-content of div element
horizontally align items
"normal" "normal", "flex-start", "flex-end", "center" ...
flexflow css flex-flow of div element "row wrap" [row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse]
+ [wrap, nowrap, wrap-reverse]
flexgrow css flex-grow of span elements "1" "0", "1"
could be modified for individual grow rates by using array
flexshrink css flex-shrink of span elements "1" "0", "1"
could be modified for individual shrink by when using array
height css height of div element "auto" css-length (px, em, %...)
heightmobile css height media-querry<!600px! height (see above) css-length (px, em, %...)
margin css margin of div element "0px" css-length (px, em, %...)
padding css padding of div element "0px" css-length (px, em, %...)

Layout Components

Data Display Components

User Input Components



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