This package is a set of Node.JS-based text mining experimental tools that use the Lingo4G document clustering engine.
Currently, the package contains two tools:
More Like This: fetches textually-similar documents given one or more seed documents,
kNN classifier: suggest values of a document field, such as category or tag, based the values of that field in textually-similar documents.
Heads up, experimental code! The code provided in this repository is highly-experimental and should be used for experimenting and and inspiration rather than production use.
All tools in this package require a running instance of the Lingo4G document clustering engine.
The default configuration of the tools and invocation examples refer to the arXiv paper abstracts Lingo4G data set. Make sure your Lingo4G REST API instance serves that data set.
- Check out this repository.
- In the main directory, run:
npm install
The easiest way to use the tools is to start up the built-in server that will expose the REST API end point for each tools.
To run the server (assuming your Lingo4G REST API is at http://localhost:8080/api/v1):
node cli\server.js
Then, navigate to http://localhost:9090 for an overview page that lists all the available endpoints and some example invocations.
You can also access the tools from the command line.
The basic invocation of the More Like This tool is the following:
node cli\mlt.js id:1105.5789
where the first argument is the query defining the seed document(s) to use to find more textually-similar documents. Pass the --help option for a list of available parameters.
The basic invocation of the kNN classifier is the following:
node cli\suggest.js 1105.5789
where the first argument is the identifier of the document for which to suggest field values. The code is pre-configured to suggest the "category" field for the provided paper abstract.
The tools in this package are preconfigured to match the arXiv Lingo4G
dataset. To use it with your own data, you may need to edit JSON
configuration files located in the cli/handlers
Configuration of the More Like This tool is in mlt.json
"mlt": {
"expansion": {
"type": "none"
"criteria": {
"labels": {
"overrides": {
"labels": {
"frequencies": {
"maxLabelsPerDocument": 1000
"result": {
"limit": 30,
"fields": [
{ "name": "id" },
{ "name": "title" }
"mltLabels": false,
"docLabels": false
Most of the time, you will need to change the list of fields to include
in the output, which is defined by the results.fiels
array. You may also
want to tune the number of similar documents returned, which is defined
by the result.limit
Configuration of the kNN classifier is in suggest.json
"suggestions": {
"limit": 30,
"field": "category",
"selectByCount": false
"mlt": {
"expansion": {
"type": "none"
"criteria": {
"labels": {
"selection": "flat",
"weighting": "none",
"overrides": {
"labels": {
"frequencies": {
"maxLabelsPerDocument": 1000
"result": {
"limit": 30
"output": {
"fields": []
When switching to your custom data set, you'll need to provide the
name of the field to suggest. kNN classifier works best with fields
containing tags or categories. You can provide the name of the field
in the suggestions.limit
entry. You can also customize the number
of similar documents to use when computing field suggestions in the