BNO055 9 dof sensor.
Plotting live data with matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation.
All live plots run at ~9 frames/sec. The BNO055 is updating the serial port with new data
10 times/sec.
main.cpp can be renamed (e.g. serialData.ino) to run without modification with the arduino ide.
I used visual studio code with platformIO on an esp32 (instead of arduino nano and arduino ide).
main.cpp transmits the 3 acc, 3 gyro, 3 mag, and 4 quat streams via serial port at 115200 baud.
BNO055 calibration is included in setup function of main.cpp uses matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation to plt the live data coming from the serial port. All data is in one figure with 4 subplots. Very important that blit=True in FuncAnimation(). Noticed no difference in animation frame rate whether numpy arrays were used, so used python lists, append(), and pop(). plots magnetic heading as live animation. Uses mag_x, mag_y vectors from main.cpp serial stream. uses the BNO055 acc_x, acc_y and acc_z vectors to calculate roll and pitch using matplotlib animation in real time. Uses same technique as serial data format expected at 115200 baud: [0]...[1]...[2]... acc_x acc_y acc_z rudimentary low pass filter of Uses a weighted average of new roll or tilt value
with their previous value. Results in smoothed, but slightly delayed response to changes.
alpha variable determines how aggressive the smoothing is.
alpha=.8 smoothes plot without excessive delay in response. A first attempt.