✨ What's new
- 🔁 Bundles can now reference other bundles #10 (referred to as 'Nested Bundles').
- For more information on 'Nested Bundles' please read our docs
- Upgrade build to use go 1.16
🚀 Performance Improvement
- 🕐 Copying images now takes less time. #95
- Layers across multiple images are de-duped, reducing the number of blobs uploaded
- If copying images across the same registry, blobs are mounted
📂 Files Checksum
6346be7afa7258e9f32e1b7641c8b7c3e645ba0ff79b01a8a258229b517ae188 ./imgpkg-darwin-amd64
b0d29d28a28db5632ce48cd9ea414ae1d3c9da382c96c72abb9961587ffb657f ./imgpkg-linux-amd64
8d216da934155f7fed9726632ec68023c82815f9a3cb749c30cfb3d6b6657f48 ./imgpkg-windows-amd64.exe