This is a bot setup that utilizes google's puppeteer to provide a framework for easy scraping of websites that require user interaction.
Setup is simple, write scripts you need and save them in the /scripts
folder, then run them with node from the root folder.
Scripts are meant to be run as below, but may be modified:
node scripts/repl.js example.config.json
You may find you need to extend scraper.js
and scraping_utility.js
to meet your needs.
You will need an instance of chrome running with certain parameters enabled:
chrome --remote-debugging-port=9222 [ --headless --disable-gpu --proxy-server= ]
Most servers will require headless and disable-gpu, if you're running a proxy make sure you've enabled access from the server you're running on and add the proxy-server parameter. The remote-debugging-port parameter is required, the port can be anything (typically above 3000).