Easy to use and setup parser of arguments from terminal for your command line tools.
typealias CustomCommand = BaseCLCommand<CustomOption, CustomCommandType>
enum CustomCommandType {
case main
case print
struct CustomOption: OptionType {
static let help = MockOption(type: .help)
enum CustomOptionType: String {
case help
var argumentsNeeded: (min: Int, max: Int) {
switch self {
return (min: 0, max: 0)
var type: MockOptionType
var arguments: [String] = []
var argumentsNeeded: (min: Int, max: Int) {
var stringValue: String {
let registry = BaseCLRegister<CustomCommand>()
let mainCommand = CustomCommand(name: "main",
type: .main,
argumentsNeeded: (0, 2),
availableOptions: ["help": .help])
let helpCommand = CustomCommand(name: "help", type: .help)
let option = MockOption.help
registry.register(command: mainCommand)
registry.register(command: helpCommand)
registry.register(option: option)
let parser = BaseCLParser<BaseCLRegister<CustomCommand>>(register: registry)
let arguments = CommandLine.arguments
let commands = try? parser.parse(arguments)
For more details about usage you can chech test cases in Tests/ folder.
You can app this package as a dependency to your application using SPM.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/castlele/CLArgumentsParser.git", branch: "master"),