A collection of plugins and configuration for (g)Vim that I've come up so far.
In case you haven't set up vim run the execute commands:
$ ~ git clone https://github.com/mentos/vimfiles ~/.vim
$ ~ cd ~/.vim
$ ~ bash bootstrap
The bootstrap files contains the following commands:
$ ~ curl -LSso ./autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim
$ ~ ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
$ ~ git submodule update --init
Now you can vim
or gvim
on your terminal and enjoy this configuration.
Before you move on and install these vimfile it would be nice if you backed up your existing configuration first. You can do so with:
$ mv ~/.vimrc{,.bak}
$ mv ~/.vim{,.bak}
Now in case you don't like what this configuration provides you can revert to your old configuration.