Task: batch fill PDFs based on csv file data
Tools: PDFescape is used to create and name fields to be filled out in PDF
PDFtk is a PDF toolkit that is used to populate the fields
The download link on the website for MacOS is buggy Use updated link below for download
fdf files contain the field data used to populate PDFs fdfgen is used to generate the fdf file
Open terminal program
Install a package manager on your computer. Copy and paste the line below into the terminal and hit enter:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install the programming language you will use to run the script. Copy and paste the line below into your terminal and hit enter:
brew install python3
Create and activate a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install the python module that will take care of filling in the pdf. Copy and paste the line below into your terminal and hit enter:
pip3 install fdfgen
Now you have everything you need installed
Now you will need to enter into the folder where the files were downloaded
cd Downloads
If you enter ls you should see the listing of files in the Download folder
Now to run a test execution of the script using the same data I used to fill out the PDFs earlier today enter the following into your terminal
python3 solid_fill_pdf.py GR5056.pdf data.csv
When you run this script it will generate a folder called output in the location you executed the script
The pdfs will be in the output folder