- 3.8 to 19.5 VDC output
- Up to 3A continuous current
- Display voltage or current
- RGB LED knob
- Arduino Pro Mini 328 (5v/16MHz)
- 40W Laptop charger for AC/DC conversion
- Illuminated RGB encoder (Sparkfun COM-10982)
- 7-Segment LED display (x2)
- SN74HC595N 8-bit Shift Register (x2)
- 200Ω resistor (16x)
- MCP41HV51 high voltage digital potentiometer
- 22K resistor (4x for voltage divider)
- ACS712 hall-effect current sensor (Sparkfun BOB-08882)
- Toggle switch, max 15A DC (took this one from a vacuum cleaner)
- 4-contact spring terminal block (Digikey GC400-ND)
- LM2596-based DC buck converter (x2)
- A nifty aluminum box
Custom PCB schematics designed with CircuitMaker, available here
- System check on startup
- Constant-current mode
- Battery charger mode
- Overcurrent protection
- Diode/reverse voltage protection