A simple Tensorflow code for C3D
Tensorflow(>=1.4) Python(>=2.7)
UCF101. You need to place it in the root directory of the workspace.
sudo ./convert_video_to_images.sh UCF101/ 5
to convert videos into images(5FPS per-second).
./convert_images_to_list.sh UCF101/ 4
to obtain train and test sets.(3/4 train; 1/4 test)
python train.py
for training.
python test.py
for testing.
Radom choose 16 frames as a clip to represent a video for training and testing.
0.71 on the test set after 36 epoches.
The files convert_video_to_images.sh, convert_images_to_list.sh and crop_mean.npy are copied from https://github.com/hx173149/C3D-tensorflow