Quick and easy playing of audio for the web.
- Feature fallback for non-supported browsers (i.e. for shims)
- Support for effect nodes (e.g. gain)
- Looping plays
- Stopping plays manually
- Fallback support + detection for buffers created using standard HTML5 AudioBuffer
seem redundant. Probably merge them into a single class.
Create a playable audioclip by throwing a URL into the audioclip()
// create a playable clip
var clip = audioclip('path/to/snare/clip.mp3');
// and play it by calling the function created
clip(); // boom!
The clip function allows for basic control over how the audio clip is played:
// :: all arguments are optional ::
// time --- how many seconds to wait before playing (default : 0)
// offset --- how many seconds from the start of the audio clip
// to start playing from (default : 0)
// duration --- how many seconds to play this audio clip (default : until end of clip)
clip(time, offset, duration);
Some examples :
// play from start to end
// play after half a second
// play right away, but skip 1 sec of audio
clip(0, 1);
// play right away, skip 1 sec of audio, AND play only the next 1.5 seconds of audio
// i.e. play 0:00:01.00 - 0:00:02.50 of audio
clip(0, 1, 3/2);
Multiple audio clips can be played by generating a play function for each of your audio clips:
var snare = audioclip('/snare.mp3');
var hihat = audioclip('/hihat.mp3');
But to make things a bit simpler and more manageable, you can group audio clips into cabinets. These form logical groupings of audio clips.
var cabinet = audioclip.createCabinet();
var snareEffector = cabinet.clip('snare', snare);
var hihatEffector = cabinet.clip('hihat', hihat);
// alternatively :
// var snareEffector = cabinet.clip('snare', 'path/to/snare.mp3');
// var hihatEffector = cabinet.clip('hihat', 'path/to/hihat.mp3');
While this might not make a lot of sense when making sure clips play at the same time, groupings clips into cabinets allow you to better schedule when clips actually play.
// hihat :: -X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-
// snare :: -----X-------X-X-
takes in a measure time value (i.e. half beat, whole beat), and
is dependent on a particular bpm (beats per minute).
You can change a cabinet's bpm by calling cabinet.bpm(160);
When you call cabinet.play()
, this bpm is taken into account by
all clips registered to the cabinet
Alternatively, you can also play a single cabinet
clip by calling
its .play(beat_time)
function as well (where beat_time
defaults to 0.5 (sec)
, equivalent to bpm === 120
// or play a single cabinet clip using a custom bpm
// :: this will take into account the cabinet clip's registered beats
snareEffector.play(60 / 216); // 216 beats per 60 seconds
var cabinet = audioclip.createCabinet();
// register clips and timings
cabinet.clip('hihat', 'hihat.mp3').beat(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
cabinet.clip('kick', 'kick.mp3').beat(0, 3/2, 7/2, 9/2, 11/2);
cabinet.clip('snare', 'snare.mp3').beat(2, 6);
// set bpm
// let's rock!
// hihat :: -X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X-
// snare :: ---------X---------------X-----
// kick :: -X-----X-------X---X---X-------