Yahoo, Introduction to Android - Group Project
The purpose of this app is to help people at Yahoo find a way to carpool together
Driver user stories
- As a driver, I want to offer riders to other Yahoo employees that live near my place so that I can save money, have a more enjoyable ride and be home quicker by taking the carpool lane
- As a driver, I want to get notified when someone is interested to ride with me
- As a driver, I want to be able to review who will be riding back with me
- As a driver, I want to accept/reject potential ride buddies
Passenger user stories
- As a passenger, I want to find a ride back so that I can come back home
- As a passenger, I want to get notified if a driver accepted to offer me a spot on his/her vehicule
- Nice to have for demo-day
- Support offline mode
- Protect app again unavailable / failed API requests
- Code cleanup
- Move all strings into res folder
- Review the TODO I left in the code
- Support landscape mode orientation
- First attempt at push notification
- Style buttons
- Update the action bar for both driver and passenger to include the Facebook icon of the authenticated user
- FIXIT: Code is there but the actionBar does not render.
Version 1.00 (2/25/2014) - First release for project demo
- Implement sliding menu bar
- Added library support for
- ActionBar Sherlock (
- SlidingMenu (
- Add custom application icon
- Update ActionBar Tabs icons
- Animate icon to select role
Version 0.05 (2/24/2014)
- Bug fixes
- Fix to exclude current driver for list of potential rides
- Fix minor layout inconsistencies between activities
- Prevent fragment on a given activity to be reloaded if the data hasn't changed
- Add request status as part of the search result
- Replace Toast
- when no passengers have been defined for the driver's ride
- when no search results were found for the passenger's ride
- Implement progress bar for driver passenger list fragment
- Remove icon from action bar across all activities
- Style the action bar
Version 0.04 (2/20/2014)
- Bug fixes
- Fix bug prevent to store large FacebookId into Parse
- Fix bug preventing users to access all data store into Parse
- Implement progress bars for notification and ride search fragments
- Create AsyncTasks to put process outside of the main UI Thread
Version 0.03 (2/19/2014)
- Implement story for the Driver to accept/reject passengers for his ride
- Implement a RotateImageButton class that leverage an animation to build a button from a image that will be rotated by 180 degrees
Version 0.02 (2/17/2014)
- Fix layout design issues (like misalignments of views)
- Implement Passenger's user stories
- User can search for a ride
- User can send a request to book a ride
- User can read his/her notifications
- Implement a Generic Notifications view that is being reused by both drivers and passengers activities
- Simplify the Driver view into two tabs instead of three by merging fragments together
- The main tab contain bot the ride and current passenger for the ride
- Code improvements
- Use ParseAPI using Parse Model and remove ParseObjectSerializable interface that became irrelevant
- Use Joda-Time API to parse Date
- Various code cleanups
Version 0.01 (2/9/2014)
- Initial implementation of the application's models (Driver, Passenger, Ride)
- Initial integration with Facebook SDK to retrieve user related information
- Initial integration with Parse API to persist data
- Implemented Driver Activity with three different fragments
- Fragment: DriverRideDetailsFragment: fully implemented
- Implemented ability to save the ride
- Implemented ability to load the ride (if it has been previously saved)
- Implemented ability to delete the ride (if it has been previsouly saved)
- Fragment: DriverPassengerListFragment: partially implemented using fake data
- Fragment: DriverGuestNotifications: not implemented
- Fragment: DriverRideDetailsFragment: fully implemented