poppy-soft-starfish is the first robot showcasing the use of poppy-soft-connector to create flexible robotic parts.
Discussion about this project are located on this post of our forum.
Watch this video
Look at the doc folder for building instructions and help
Look at the hardware folder for the mechanical parts
Look at the software folder for code examples
Create your own soft robot and share it on our forum!
You can also propose new optimized design for the poppy-soft-connector.
To contribute to this repository, you can fork it and issue a pull request. [Another useful link]
All the technological development work made in the Poppy project is freely available under open source licenses. Only the name usage "Poppy" is restricted and protected as an international trademark, please contact us if you want to use it or have more information.
License | Hardware | Software |
Title | Creatives Commons BY-SA | GPL v3 |
Logo |