Your very own blockchain complete with the following components:
- Wallets (public/private key pairs)
- Transactions (signed by wallets)
- Mining (mine a block of transactions and reap the rewards)
- Ephemeral Testnet (the blockchain vanishes when the node stops)
npm install
npm start
http://localhost:3030/index.html shows blockchain and wallet controls.
Core Files -- index.js - central module -- lib/blockchain.js - The blockchain functionality; add transactions to a block and try to mine it. -- lib/fs-loader.js - Load the blockchain from the file system -- lib/reddit-loader - Load the blockchain from reddit -- lib/wallet.js - Wallet functionality; create wallets and sign transactions
Developer Mode -- server.js - imports index.js and sets up a rest API for development. -- static/* - the UI for server.js
- Load chain
- Listen for transactions
- Validate transactions
- Mine Blocks
- Save chain
- Wallet Generation
- Signing Transactions
- The use of third party libraries is a form of technical debt and should be avoided.
- All algorithms should be transparent and clearly explained.
- Include tests for all functionality.
- Create a pull request, and discuss with the community.
- This is a new project with very few contributors and needs help in all areas.
- Visit us on reddit:
- MIT licensed open source created by Cenetex Inc. (