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brentlongstaff edited this page Apr 17, 2012 · 2 revisions

This is the API for version 1.3.3.

public Classification classify(List accelValues, Double speed, WifiScan wifiScan, List lastWifiScans, String lastMode)

  • accelValues are a List of Samples (triaxial accelerometer measurements).
  • speed is the speed reported by GPS.
  • wifiScan is the wifi APs from the current sample.
  • lastWifiScans is a list of the WifiScans corresponding to the previous wifi scans (within the last 10 minutes). This list does NOT contain the current scan passed in the wifiScan argument.
  • lastMode is the choice made by the wifi classifier the previous time. This is the wifiMode object in the Classification returned by previous call to classify().
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