A REST, and UDP interface for controlling WS2812 LEDS connected to a Raspberry pi (Has been tested and rpi B+ rpi0 and rpi 3)
Note* Websocket interface has been depercaetd due to not working correctly with http2. WebRTC data channel may replace it in a future release
Install nodejs onto your raspberry pi running your favorite linux distribution.
Install bower
sudo npm -g install bower
Install npm
dependencies for REST and Websocket controller
ssh to your raspberry pi
git clone https://github.com/cernst11/luminous-controller.git
cd luminous-controller
npm install
Wait a while...
Wait some more.....
Wait a few more minutes.....
Configure your server and light properties in config/default.json
strip properties - The properties of the
num_leds : how many leds on the light strip
location : The location of the Strip
strandType : The strand Type. Default ws2812 (currently only working one)
Generate your own cert on the raspberry pi in the Root of the luminous-controller folder
ssh to your pi if you are not already there
cd to the luminous-controller directory
openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out server.pass.key 2048
openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in server.pass.key -out server.key
rm server.pass.key
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
Follow the onscreen prompts
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
Configure luminous-app. Currently there is no auto device discovery so we need to configure manually 😢
ssh to your pi if you are not already there
sudo npm -g install polymer-cli
Wait a while...
Wait some more.....
Wait a few more minutes.....
cd the containing directory of luminous-controller not inside!
git clone https://github.com/cernst11/luminous-app.git
cd luminous-app
open src/my-lights.html
add the luminous-chrome element with the deviceurl parameter under the closing style tag
<luminous-chrome deviceurl=""></luminous-chrome>
Build the app
polymer build
polymer serve build/unbundled -H 'ip address of pi'
Note: If the server is not running you will just see a app shell
Check in your favorite modern browser that it is loaded
Copy unbundled build to dist in luminous-app
cp -R build/unbundled ../luminous-app/dist
Create a new folder name public in the luminous-controller folder. Copy the dist folder
mkdir public
cp -R ../luminous-app/dist /luminous-controller/public
To run -- Important must be ran as sudo
sudo node bin/www
Tip: use nodemon to automatically reload backend changes