Command | Description |
mod+Return | launch terminal |
mod+d | launch rofi |
mod+b | toggle bar |
mod+j | move to next window |
mod+k | move to previous window |
mod+Shift+j | Swap the focused window with the next window |
mod+Shift+k | Swap the focused window with the previous window |
mod+i | increase amount of windows in the master area |
mod+u | decrease amount of windows in the master area |
mod+h | decrease master area size |
mod+l | increase master area size |
mod+Shift+Return | toggle a window between the master and stack area |
mod+Tab | toggle previous tag |
mod+` | toggle next monitor |
mod+Shift+q | kill window |
mod+s | toggle scratchpad |
mod+t | change to tiling layout mode |
mod+f | change to floating layout mode |
mod+m | change to monocle layout mode |
mod+Space | toggle previous layout mode |
mod+Shift+Space | toggle floating mode |
mod+0 | show all tags |
mod+Shift+0 | tag window to all workspaces |
mod+, | go to left monitor |
mod+. | to to right monitor |
mod+Shift+, | move window to left monitor |
mod+Shift+. | move window to right monitor |
mod+Ctrl+, | swap windows with left monitor |
mod+Ctrl+. | swap windows with right monitor |
mod+Shift+f | toggle fullscreen |
mod+- | decrease gaps size |
mod+= | increase gaps size |
mod+Shift+= | remove gaps |
mod+w | manga script |
mod+e | emoji script |
mod+y | memes script |
mod+c | corona script |
mod+Shift+b | bluetooth script |
mod+F2 | launch chromium |
mod+F3 | launch dolphin |
mod+F4 | launch sowon |
mod+F6 | launch maildrop |
alt+F3 | suspend computer |
alt+F4 | keyloard layout for bluetooth keyboard |
mod+F12 | lock screen |
mod+Shift+m | monitor script |
mod+F5 | change monitor wallpapers |
mod+F7 | change monitor orientation |
mod+F8 | change mic source |
XF86XK_AudioMute | toggle mute |
XK_Print | print screen script |
- autostart
- This patch will make dwm run “~/.dwm/” and “~/.dwm/ &” before entering the handler loop.
- actualfullscreen
- Actually toggle fullscreen for a window, instead of toggling the status bar and the monocle layout.
- center
- this patch starts program in the center of the current screen
- floatpos
- this patch makes “floating rules” patch work using relative coordinates on multi monitor setup
- fullgaps
- This patch adds gaps between client windows.
- hide_vacant_tags
- This patch prevents dwm from drawing tags with no clients (i.e. vacant) on the bar.
- pertag
- This patch enables one layout per tag in contrast of one layout for all tags.
- push
- pushup and pushdown provide a way to move clients inside the clients list.
- savefloats
- This patch saves size and position of every floating window before it is forced into tiled mode. If the window is made floating again, the old dimensions will be restored.
- scratchpad
- The scratchpad patch allows you to spawn or restore a floating terminal window.
- showselmon
- Shows which monitor is currently selected. Unselected monitors now use inverted colors in status bar.
- statusallmons
- This patch draws and updates the statusbar on all monitors.
- statuscmd
- This patch adds the ability to execute shell commands based on the mouse button and position when clicking the status bar.
- tagswapmon
- This patch enables swapping all windows between monitors
- warp
- This patch warps the mouse cursor to the center of the currently focused window