A Web App based on Python's micro web framework Flask which detects the flair (category) of a post on the subreddit india by utilising the power of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. The app can be used here Reddit Flair Detector.
The user enters the url of the required post. The app takes the url, extracts various features from it (comments, authors, body .etc.) and tries to predict the flair using them by applying the finalized model.
1 . clone into repository bash https://github.com/chandan21gupta/Reddit-Flair-Detector
Create a virtual environment by the command
bash virtualenv -p python3 env
. -
Go inside the cloned directory and enter command
bash pip install -r requirements.txt
. -
Go inside the Web directory and enter command
bash Python3 flask_app.py
to start the server. It can be found here. Simply clone into it.
Data contains mongodb instance of raw data,its csv and the resulting data after cleaning and pre processing. It also contains a script called graph.py that generates statistics for data.
Finalized_Model contains the finalizes ML algorithm and combined data feature which gave the maximum accuracy during testing and training.
Web contains the flask application deployed for heroku server.
Scripts contains the the files used pre deployment, that is, the code used for scraping reddit posts and training the Machine Learning ALgorithms.
sources.txt lists the sources used for the entire project.
The data was collected using the praw library in Python.The codebase is located in the Scripts under the name reddit_webScrapper.py For comments - top ten comments were considered along with their authors. Total 100 posts are considered for data analysis. It is stored in a database using mongodb.
After the data collection, and going through various articles on internet about first step towards analysis of collected data, I got across this wonderful article which explained everything, from the data pre-processing to data analysis in Natural Language Processing. The data was cleaned using textcleaning.py Scripts, which I saved in a csv file (cleaned_dataset.csv).
After cleaning the data, various ML algorithms were trained with testing and training dataset in the ratio 3:7.
First standalone features were tried like comments, title, body, url .etc. However the accuracy was not upto the mark. The average accuracy remained around 50-55%. After that, many features were combined on the basis of their standlone accuracies. The combination of features that gave the best accuracy (60-65%) was that of title,comments,url and body, with Logistic Regression giving the best accuracy(66%). After that, the training and tesing ratio was increased to improve the model (9:1), since the data was sparse.
Basically five ML algorithms were used:
- Naive Bayes
- Linear Suport Vector Machine
- Logistic Regression
- Random Forest
- Multi Layer Perceptron
A flask app was made with two routes - "/" the home route, "/action_page" for displaying the predicted flair, "/stats" for statistics.
Note - Only Web directory has been deployed to heroku, as others were just initial scripts for data analysis.
requirements.txt contains the list of all the dependencies.