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With the current COVID-19 situation, Singapore had entered 2 phases over a span of a year whereby dining in is not allowed. This has given rise to more online orders and as such local businesses such as hawker centers and food vendors have had to rely on online food platforms (eg. FoodPanda and Grab) to achieve any reasonable level of sales. Through personal experiences and interviews of the hawkers, we realised they have lost much of their revenue to these local giants as they take up to 30-40% of the price of food items to list their items on their platforms. On top of this, we have come to understand the rise of cloud kitchens in Singapore as well, whereby they only own a central kitchen that dispatches food items at a collection point or by delivery only. One example of such is the cloud kitchen facility of Orchard Food Market where there are 18 individual kitchen spaces, where they do not own a storefront and are operating together. While cloud or ghost kitchens are not new in Singapore, the opening of more facilities has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic as more people get used to ordering food delivery.

As such, many restaurants and local businesses were unable to adapt to the rapidly changing tech-savvy environment and thus we see a potential to provide a platform whereby these stalls and cloud kitchens could benefit from a centralised platform without the high revenue cost of the online food platforms.


Our aim of the website is to provide a centralised platform for smaller F&B owners to list their stalls, or for a cloud kitchen facility to utilise such that they can dispatch the orders across all of their food vendors located within its premises. Through this, customers can use it to order food for self-collection and through informative purposes.

User Stories

As a customer, I want to have a website which is easy to navigate to be able to order food I like from the store of my choice.

As a customer, I want to be able to view the menu and see each food item with its picture and its description.

As a customer, I want to have the ability to either pay online or pay on site without having to fill up a lot of personal details.

As a F&B Owner, I want to have my own dashboard. The dashboard should allow me to add/update/remove items in my menu with its accompanying images with ease.

As a F&B Owner, I want to be able to view my menu and make changes as I see fit.

As a F&B Owner, I want to be able to view my orders in real-time and be able to toggle whether the food is done and handed over to the customer.

Tech Stack

VueJS, Firebase, HTML, Javascript and CSS


Foodleh Video

For full documentation, refer to this: