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[api]: serve the butler websocket
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This change provides adapter to use the butler websocket api.
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TristanCacqueray committed Aug 19, 2023
1 parent fba25c1 commit 2af3b7a
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Showing 6 changed files with 122 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions monocle.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ library
, wai-logger >= 2.3
, wai-middleware-prometheus >= 1.0
, warp >= 3.3.15
, websockets
, witch >= 0.3
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Monocle.Prelude
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions src/Effectful/Servant.hs
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

module Effectful.Servant (runWarpServerSettingsContext, hoistEff) where
module Effectful.Servant (runWarpServerSettingsContext, hoistEff, handlerToEff) where

import Control.Monad.Except qualified
import Data.Kind (Type)
Expand All @@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ import Effectful
import Effectful.Dispatch.Static qualified
import Effectful.Dispatch.Static.Primitive qualified
import Effectful.Error.Static (Error, runErrorNoCallStack)
import Effectful.Error.Static qualified as E (throwError)
import Network.Wai qualified as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
import Servant
import Prelude (error)
import Prelude

runWarpServerSettingsContext ::
forall (api :: Type) (context :: [Type]) (es :: [Effect]).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,3 +45,10 @@ hoistEff env ctx = Servant.serveWithContextT (Proxy @api) ctx interpretServer
es' <- Effectful.Dispatch.Static.Primitive.cloneEnv env
Effectful.Dispatch.Static.unEff (runErrorNoCallStack action) es'
Control.Monad.Except.liftEither v

-- | Convert a servant handler to eff
handlerToEff :: Error Servant.ServerError Effectful.:> es => Servant.Handler a -> Eff es a
handlerToEff (Servant.Handler (Control.Monad.Except.ExceptT action)) = do
Effectful.Dispatch.Static.unsafeEff_ action >>= \case
Left e -> E.throwError e
Right a -> pure a
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Monocle/Api/Test.hs
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Expand Up @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ withTestApi appEnv' testCb = bracket appEnv' cleanIndex runTest
(\index -> runEmptyQueryM index I.ensureIndex)
unsafeEff $ \es ->
let app = Effectful.Servant.hoistEff @RootAPI es cfg (rootServer cookieCfg)
let app = Effectful.Servant.hoistEff @RootAPI es cfg (rootServer (error "butler ws test not implemented") cookieCfg)
withManager manager = do
withClient "http://localhost" (Just manager) $ \client -> do
testCb client
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90 changes: 89 additions & 1 deletion src/Monocle/Butler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,103 @@
-- | This module contains the new monocle app
module Monocle.Butler where
module Monocle.Butler (
-- * The websocket API

-- * UI Apps

-- * Adapter for running ProcessIO inside effectful
) where

import Butler
import Butler.App
import Butler.Core
import Butler.Display
import Butler.Display.Session
import Butler.Display.WebSocket
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
import Prelude

import Monocle.Api.Jwt (AuthenticatedUser (..), OIDCEnv)
import Monocle.Backend.Queries qualified as Q
import Monocle.Effects qualified as E
import Monocle.Env qualified as M
import Monocle.Logging qualified as E (runLoggerEffect)
import Monocle.Prelude (runEff)

import Network.HTTP.Types.Status qualified as HTTP
import Network.Socket (SockAddr)
import Network.Wai qualified as Wai
import Servant qualified

import Effectful (Dispatch (Static), DispatchOf, Eff, Effect, IOE, withEffToIO, (:>))
import Effectful.Dispatch.Static (SideEffects (..), StaticRep, evalStaticRep, getStaticRep, unEff, unsafeEff, unsafeEff_)
import Effectful.Internal.Env (cloneEnv)

data ButlerEffect :: Effect
type instance DispatchOf ButlerEffect = 'Static 'WithSideEffects
newtype instance StaticRep ButlerEffect = ButlerEffect ProcessEnv

runButlerEffect :: IOE :> es => (ProcessEnv -> Eff (ButlerEffect : es) ()) -> Eff es ()
runButlerEffect action =
Effectful.Dispatch.Static.unsafeEff \es -> do
exit <- withButlerOS do
env <- ask
liftIO do
es' <- cloneEnv es
unEff (evalStaticRep (ButlerEffect env) (action env)) es'
print exit

runButlerProcess :: ButlerEffect :> es => ProcessIO a -> Eff es a
runButlerProcess action = do
ButlerEffect processEnv <- getStaticRep
unsafeEff_ $ runProcessIOEnv processEnv action

_mkMiddleware :: Wai.Application -> Wai.Middleware
_mkMiddleware app baseApp req resp = baseApp req handleAppResp
handleAppResp appResp = case HTTP.statusCode (Wai.responseStatus appResp) of
404 -> app req resp
_ -> resp appResp

withButlerDisplay :: (IOE :> es, ButlerEffect :> es) => (Display -> Eff es a) -> Eff es a
withButlerDisplay cb = do
ButlerEffect processEnv <- getStaticRep
withEffToIO $ \runInIO -> do
runProcessIOEnv processEnv $ withSessions "sessions" \sessions -> do
display <- atomically (newDisplay sessions)
liftIO $ runInIO (cb display)

type ButlerWSAPI = WebSocketAPI AuthenticatedUser

butlerWsApp :: Maybe OIDCEnv -> ProcessEnv -> Display -> [App] -> Servant.ServerT ButlerWSAPI Servant.Handler
butlerWsApp mAuth processEnv display apps = websocketServer processEnv adaptMonocleSession onConnect
adaptMonocleSession :: Maybe AuthenticatedUser -> ProcessIO (Maybe Session)
adaptMonocleSession = \case
| isNothing mAuth -> Just <$> newSession display.sessions Nothing "guest"
| otherwise -> pure Nothing
Just aUser -> do
let user = UserName aUser.aDefaultMuid
provider = externalProvider "monocle" user
atomically (lookupSessionByProvider display.sessions provider) >>= \case
Just session -> pure (Just session)
Nothing -> Just <$> newSession display.sessions (Just provider) user

onConnect :: SockAddr -> Workspace -> ChannelName -> Session -> WS.Connection -> ProcessIO ()
onConnect = connectRoute display "embeded-server-name" onClient

onClient :: OnClient
onClient session workspace = do
logInfo "New client!" ["sess" .= session, "workspace" .= workspace]
shared <- startApps apps display
pure (processEnv, staticClientHandler shared)

-- Here is a demo app that only display the current change count.
-- Given a elasticEnv, we can unwrap the effectful Eff context into butler's ProcessIO
dashboardApp :: E.ElasticEnv -> App
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24 changes: 18 additions & 6 deletions src/Monocle/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Monocle.Api.Jwt (doGenJwk, initOIDCEnv)
import Monocle.Api.Server (handleLoggedIn, handleLogin)
import Monocle.Api.ServerHTMX (searchAuthorsHandler)
import Monocle.Backend.Index qualified as I
import Monocle.Butler qualified as B
import Monocle.Config (getAuthProvider, opName)
import Monocle.Config qualified as Config
import Monocle.Env
Expand All @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ import Prometheus (register)
import Prometheus.Metric.GHC (ghcMetrics)
import Servant
import Servant.Auth.Server (CookieSettings (..), cookieXsrfSetting, defaultCookieSettings, defaultJWTSettings)
import Servant.Auth.Server qualified as SAS (JWTSettings)
import System.Directory qualified

import Effectful qualified as E
Expand All @@ -34,11 +36,16 @@ import Effectful.Reader.Static qualified as E
import Effectful.Servant qualified
import Monocle.Effects

rootServer :: (ApiEffects es, E.Concurrent Monocle.Prelude.:> es) => CookieSettings -> Servant.ServerT RootAPI (Eff es)
rootServer cookieSettings = app :<|> app
type CTX = '[SAS.JWTSettings, CookieSettings]

rootServer :: forall es. (ApiEffects es, E.Concurrent Monocle.Prelude.:> es) => Servant.ServerT B.ButlerWSAPI Servant.Handler -> CookieSettings -> Servant.ServerT RootAPI (Eff es)
rootServer wsApp cookieSettings = app :<|> app :<|> wsAppEff
app = server :<|> searchAuthorsHandler :<|> handleLogin :<|> handleLoggedIn cookieSettings

wsAppEff :: Servant.ServerT B.ButlerWSAPI (Eff es)
wsAppEff = Servant.hoistServerWithContext (Proxy @B.ButlerWSAPI) (Proxy @CTX) Effectful.Servant.handlerToEff wsApp

fallbackWebAppPath :: FilePath
fallbackWebAppPath = "web/build/"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +123,7 @@ run cfg =
$ run' cfg aplogger

run' :: (IOE Monocle.Prelude.:> es, MonoConfigEffect Monocle.Prelude.:> es) => ApiConfig -> ApacheLogger -> Eff es ()
run' ApiConfig {..} aplogger = E.runConcurrent $ runLoggerEffect do
run' ApiConfig {..} aplogger = B.runButlerEffect \processEnv -> B.withButlerDisplay \display -> E.runConcurrent $ runLoggerEffect do
conf <- Config.csConfig <$> getReloadConfig
let workspaces = Config.getWorkspaces conf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,23 +170,28 @@ run' ApiConfig {..} aplogger = E.runConcurrent $ runLoggerEffect do
let settings = Warp.setPort port $ Warp.setLogger httpLogger Warp.defaultSettings
jwtCfg = localJWTSettings
cookieCfg = defaultCookieSettings {cookieXsrfSetting = Nothing}
cfg :: Servant.Context CTX
cfg = jwtCfg :. cookieCfg :. EmptyContext
middleware =
cors (const $ Just corsPolicy)
. monitoringMiddleware
. healthMiddleware
. staticMiddleware

let wsApp :: Servant.ServerT B.ButlerWSAPI Servant.Handler
wsApp = B.butlerWsApp oidcEnv processEnv display [B.dashboardApp bhEnv]

logInfo "SystemReady" ["workspace" .= length workspaces, "port" .= port, "elastic" .= elasticUrl]

appEnv <- E.withEffToIO $ \effToIO -> do
let configIO = effToIO getReloadConfig
pure AppEnv {bhEnv, aOIDC, config = configIO}

E.runReader appEnv
$ Effectful.Servant.runWarpServerSettingsContext @RootAPI
E.runReader appEnv do
Effectful.Servant.runWarpServerSettingsContext @RootAPI
(rootServer cookieCfg)
(rootServer wsApp cookieCfg)
case r of
Left e -> error (show e)
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Monocle/Servant/HTTPMain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ import Servant
import Servant.Auth.Server (SetCookie)
import Servant.HTML.Blaze (HTML)

import Monocle.Butler (ButlerWSAPI)

-- | The API is served at both `/api/2/` (for backward compat with the legacy nginx proxy)
-- and `/` (for compat with crawler client)
type MonocleAPI' = MonocleAPI :<|> HtmxAPI :<|> AuthAPI

type RootAPI = "api" :> "2" :> MonocleAPI' :<|> MonocleAPI'
type RootAPI = "api" :> "2" :> MonocleAPI' :<|> MonocleAPI' :<|> ButlerWSAPI

type AuthAPI =
"auth" :> "login" :> QueryParam "redirectUri" Text :> Get '[JSON] NoContent
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