Chai Kok Chin, Chan Teck Wei, Ngian Seng Kai, Saifuddin Tipu
This project aims to create a sustainable agriculture platform, namely Agronic, to connect three parties - farmers, publics (household waste contributors) and organic waste management partners (one of our existing partners is WormingUp, refer to create a digital sustainable agriculture system. Agronic with several features are developed such as newsfeed, operation management platform to enable waste contributions and collections, rewarding system, education/awareness and marketplace. Agronic allows users with similar interest to gather under a platform to share their thoughts, upcoming events, and any related sustainable farming topics in through the platform. As for the rewarding system, users can exchange their household organic waste back with freshly produced products and as for farmers, they can exchange their organic products with organic fertilizers. In this way, waste collection process can be done in cost-time-effective manner. Moreover, Agronic enables farmers or waste management team to promote their fresh products or organic fertilizers, respectively, in Argonic's marketplace where it is easily accessible by the public (households).
Through this initiative, small-scale farmers have the chance to take part in digitilization using the marketplace. Public awareness on sustainable agriculture and organic wastes will also be increased. Thus, Agronic is believed to be able to provide significant contributions in social, economical and environmental aspects.