这个仓库主要是用来搜集区块链开发相关的资源,请随意Star或者Fork。有任何建议和评论,请提交到这里。欢迎各种PR :),格式参考 awesome 的清单。
- 阿尔文德·纳拉亚南(Arvind Narayanan),约什·贝努 等 著;林华,王勇,帅初 等 译;《区块链 技术驱动金融:数字货币与智能合约技术》;中信出版社;
- 徐明星 著;《图说区块链》;中信出版社;
- 长铗,韩锋 等 著;《区块链:从数字货币到信用社会》;中信出版社;
- 徐明星,刘勇,段新星,郭大治 著;《区块链:重塑经济与世界》;中信出版社;
- 蒋勇,文延,嘉文 著;《白话区块链》;机械工业出版社;
- 邹均,张海宁,唐屹,李磊 等 著;《区块链技术指南》;机械工业出版社;
- 申屠青春 著;《区块链开发指南》;机械工业出版社;
- 纳拉扬·普鲁斯蒂 著;《区块链项目开发指南》;机械工业出版社;
- 杨保华,陈昌 编著;《区块链原理、设计与应用》;机械工业出版社;
- 朱志文 著;《Node.js区块链开发》
- 张增骏 董宁 朱轩彤 陈剑雄 著;《深度探索区块链-Hyperledger技术与应用》;机械工业出版社;
- yeasy-区块链技术指南
- 朱志文-Node.js开发加密货币
- 申屠青春-区块链开发者指南
- GitHub - bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook: Mastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
- GitHub - ethereumbook/ethereumbook: Mastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
- 以太坊、区块链技术视频 - EthCast - 蓝莲花录制视频
- cryptflix - 按币种分类介绍视频
- The Cryptoverse - Your cryptocurrency news dose.
- World Crypto Network - Informative news digests.
- Crypt0 - Omar is one of the most popular crypto bloggers. He creates fascinating interviews.
- Ameer Rosic - News, interviews, podcasts and reviews.
- aantonop - Presentations, discussions, QA by Andreas, the author of "Mastering Bitcoin".
- CoinSummit - CoinSummit records: startups showcases, discussions and presentations.
- BitcoinFilm - Short films about people using Bitcoin.
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies course. 12 videos, each 45-90 mins.
- CryptoPortfolio - YouTube channel reviewing ICOs and various cryptocurrencies.
- CryptoBud - Technical and fundamental analysis on how to invest in cryptocurrency.
- EtherCasts - Ancient Ethereum news, reviews and interviews channel.
- Bitcoin Playlist - Great list of 55 Bitcoin talks.
- BiteSizeBitcoin - Great beginner guides. Trading and investing advices, podcasts and meetups.
- Decentralized TV - Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency News, Culture, and Entertainment.
- Crypto Daily - Crypto news on (mostly) daily basis.
- 区块链开发技术综述 孟岩,IBM大中华区高级经理
- A Crash Course in Mechanism Design for Cryptoeconomic Applications 加密货币应用的机制设计
- The Meaning of Decentralization – Vitalik Buterin – Medium 去中心化的意义
- A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Consensus Algorithms – Hacker Noon 共识算法搭车者指南
- Zero knowledge proofs: a tale of two friends – Hacker Noon 零知识证明
- The Crypto Canon – Andreessen Horowitz 加密货币入门资源汇总
- Fundamental challenges with public blockchains – Preethi Kasireddy – Medium 公有链的挑战
- 如何成为一名区块链工程师?
- 通证经济系统设计的一个优秀范例——般若链
- 深入浅出区块链 - 技术开发,Tiny熊,附有Wiki介绍 · 深入浅出区块链文档
- 汪晓明对区块链、以太坊的思考 - 以太坊开发资料,汪晓明,朝夕网络(http://zhaoxi.io,区块链咨询服务)以及芯链HPB创始人
- 黎跃春区块链博客 - 黎跃春,链乎创始人
- 区块链技术博客 - 以太开发文档
- Learn Blockchain Coding & Much More. We’ll help you get clarity.
- CoinSutra: Bitcoin Tips, Tutorials & Community - 非常好的媒体网站,每天有大量的基础性文章发布
- Crypto Disrupt – More Crypto, Less Noise - 数字货币相关文章,可以订阅各种空投
- 100+ Coins Explained Explore Quick Summaries of Popular Cryptocurrencies
- GitHub - btomashvili/awesome-ethereum: Awesome Ethereum Resources
- GitHub - chaozh/awesome-blockchain-cn: 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料
- Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies | Coursera
- Ethereum Blockchain Education - consensys推出的课程
- Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer's Guide | Udemy
- Ethereum : Decentralized Application Design & Development | Udemy
- GitHub - androlo/solidity-workshop: Educational material for Solidity. Complement to solidity.readthedocs.com
- Ethereum Network - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Ethereum Blockchain
- DappHub · GitHub
- B9lab delivers education, advisory & research on blockchain and decentralised applications.
- GitHub - anders94/blockchain-demo: A web-based demonstration of blockchain concepts. - 用可视化的方法展示区块链原理
- GitHub - anders94/public-private-key-demo: Demonstrates public / private key pairs and signing in a blockchain context - 用可视化的方法展示非对称加密
- Bitcoin Platform and API | Bitcore - 开发区块链浏览器和钱包
- A simple explanation of Bitcoin “Sidechains” | Richard Gendal Brown
- https://www.blockstream.com/sidechains.pdf
- EthFans | 以太坊白皮书中文
- GitHub - yuange1024/ethereum_yellowpaper: 以太坊黄皮书中文
- 以太坊是什么 - 以太坊开发入门指南 | 深入浅出区块链
- 以太坊开发入门,完整入门篇(小白可以看看,高手看看自己有没有遗漏的) - 区块链技术博客
- 以太坊智能合约编程之菜鸟教程 » 论坛 » EthFans | 以太坊爱好者
- How does Ethereum work, anyway? – Preethi Kasireddy – Medium - 以太坊工作原理
- What is An Ethereum Token: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
- The Ethereum token standards you need to know - 常用ERC标准
- The Ethereum Wiki
- Ethereum Bounty Program
- GitHub - ethereum/wiki: The Ethereum Wiki -
- Week in Ethereum News
- Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 1: Smart contracts)
- Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 2: Truffle, Ganache, Geth and Mist)
- Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 3: Security, limitations, and considerations)
- Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 4: Tokens and ERCs)
- Ethereum Development Walkthrough (Part 5: Making a DApp)
- Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial — Part 1
- Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial — Part 2
- A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, Part 1
- A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, Part 2
- A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, Part 3
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum
- Build Your First Smart Contract A Tutorial for Beginners
- Installing Basic Tools for Ethereum Development – Cody Lamson: Notes, Thoughts, Tutorials, etc.
- Tools and Technologies in the Ethereum Ecosystem – BlockChannel – Medium - 常用开发工具
- Designing the architecture for your Ethereum application
- Create a cryptocurrency contract in Ethereum
- Create a crowdsale contract in Ethereum
- Create a Democracy contract in Ethereum
- Solidity — Solidity 0.4.20 documentation
- Documentation | Truffle Suite
- Welcome to Zeppelin-Solidity — zeppelin-solidity 1.0.0 documentation
- GitHub - ethereum/populus: The Ethereum development framework with the most cute animal pictures
- Modular network
- The Best Tools for Smart Contract Development - 使用remix开发智能合约
- Configure Truffle to use infura.io and existing private key
- Using Infura (or a custom provider) | Truffle Suite - 使用Infura在不同的网络上部署智能合约
- Deploying truffle contracts to main, test or private Ethereum networks using a NodETH Ethereum node
- GitHub - ConsenSys/smart-contract-best-practices: A guide to smart contract security best practices
- How To Launch Your Own Production-ready Cryptocurrency
- How To Create Token and Initial Coin Offering Contracts Using Truffle + OpenZeppelin
- Introduction to Smart Contract and DApp Security – Modular-Network – Medium - 智能合约安全
- How To Script An Automatic Token Airdrop for 40k subscribers - 如何提高空投的效率
- Building the Interactive Token Sale – Modular-Network – Medium - 发布IICO合约
- Calculating Costs in Ethereum Contracts – Hacker Noon - Gas计算方法
- 五分钟开发您自己的ERC20代币
- 一步步教你创建自己的数字货币(代币)进行ICO
- 一步步教你开发、部署第一个去中心化应用(Dapp) - 宠物商店 | 深入浅出区块链
- 实现一个可管理、增发、兑换、冻结等高级功能的代币
- Truffle - 以太坊Solidity编程语言开发框架
- 安全编写以太坊的智能合约指南 - 区块链技术博客
- 区块链开发实战:如何从零打造一个去中心化应用
- GitHub - xilibi2003/TokenERC20: TokenERC20
- GitHub - hpb-project/ico: HPB ico contracts
- GitHub - OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity: OpenZeppelin, a framework to build secure smart contracts on Ethereum
- GitHub - Modular-Network/ethereum-libraries: Library contracts for Ethereum
- GitHub - Modular-Network/ethereum-contracts: Smart contracts for Ethereum
- GitHub - enumivo/airdrop
- GitHub - Firstbloodio/token: A Decentralized eSports Platform Based on Smart Contracts
- GitHub - ConsenSys/Tokens: Ethereum Token Contracts
- GitHub - ConsenSys/Token-Factory: Basic Token Factory dapp.
- GitHub - ConsenSys/simple-token-sale: Contracts for a fixed-price, finite-supply token sale.
- Ganache | Truffle Suite - 可以使用GUI方式和命令行方式,
truffle develop
也可以建立私链 - Geth (go-ethereum) -
geth --dev
可以建立私链 - WebThree (cpp-ethereum)
- Parity
- ethereum-haskell - An independent and unaffiliated reimplementation of Ethereum in Haskell.
- INFURA 直接使用在线接口,无需部署节点
- Remix - 可以在浏览器上建立测试网络
Releases · ethereum/mist · GitHub - Ethereum Wallet,可选用Light Client方式同步
Ethereum Wallet - 在线Ethereum Wallet,配合MetaMask使用
MyCrypto.com - 在线钱包,最好配合MetaMask使用
MetaMask - 浏览器插件,方便管理账户
Cipher Browser - Mobile Ethereum Wallet and Web3 Dapp Browser - 手机Ethereum钱包,可以存放ERC20 Token,可以使用dapp
imToken | Your First Smart Digital Wallet - 手机Ethereum钱包,可存放各种ERC20 Token
https://trustwalletapp.com/ - dapp钱包
- The Ðapp Daily-Ethereum ecosystem updates from Sourcerers
- ETH Decentralized apps list | DAPPRadar
- State of the ÐApps — 1074 Projects Built on Ethereum
- Dapptrack
- Essentia - Create Your Decentralized Life
- Ethplorer — Ethereum tokens explorer and data viewer
- Ethex | Buy and Sell Ethereum Tokens on a Fully Decentralized Exchange
- ForkDelta | Decentralized Ethereum Token Exchange
- OpenSea: Buy Crypto Assets, CryptoKitties, Collectibles on Ethereum & more
- RareBits - Buy, sell, and discover crypto assets
- GitHub - evbots/dex-protocols: A list of protocols for decentralized exchange
- Fishbank - blockchain game based on Ethereum smart contracts - grow, fight and trade crypto fish in deep blue decentralized ocean
- Game of blocks - Decentralized strategy game powered by Ethereum smart contracts
- Axie Infinity – Collecting and raising Axies
- 3 Real Ethereum games — NOT collectibles – Skirmantas Januškas – Medium
- Ethernal Bridge
- Crypland
- CryptoMines
- PoWEth ERC20 Token
- How to Code Your Own CryptoKitties-Style Game on Ethereum
- CryptoZombies - Learn to code games on Ethereum. Powered by Loom Network
- CoinRace - a decentralized game on Ethereum blockchain
- Ethorse - ETH赛马
- Ethbet Platform
- GamblingBitcoin.com – #1 bitcoin gambling sites & bonus list
- 亿书——价值传播领导者 - 基于区块链保护个人数据,实现知识聚合、知识付费、知识创富
- Howdoo
- Fragmented | A decentralized social network for Ethereum enthusiasts.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtraderpro/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/EthAnalysis/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/eth/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinDiscussion/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinUK/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencies/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/altcoin/
- https://www.coindesk.com/
- https://medium.com/
- http://www.newsbtc.com/
- https://www.digitaltrends.com/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockchainGame/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/dapps
- https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoingames/
- http://cryptolights.info/ - 未确认交易可视化
- https://meetfranz.com/
- Best Cryptocurrency & AltCoins Portfolio Management Apps of 2018 - 资产管理软件
- https://hackernoon.com/wtf-is-an-airdrop-a-detailed-guide-to-free-cryptocurrency-e70e8777dd83?source=linkShare-1ad7d55c58f6-1519752058 - 领糖果的正确姿势
- https://ethfiddle.com/ - 智能合约代码分享
- https://airdropking.io/ - 空投大全