This project serves as a toolkit to populate and fix experimental dataset in Radial Maze Experient.
The project is based on ezTrack[1], an open-source video analysis pipeline for the investigation of animal behavior.
On windows: open cmd and run path\MazeClerk\Venv\Scripts\activate
table1: primary mice data (by 02-29-2020) table2: session records from 07-19-2019 to 02-29-2020
Pipeline_Individual.ipynb: notebook for individual analysis (location tracking, velocity calculation and arm retrieval performance) Pipeline_BatchProcess.ipynb: not tested yet PerformanceAnalysis.ipynb: notebook for group analysis run data collection gui and define functions for location tracking and individual analysis pipeline not used in individual tracking not completed
[1]Pennington, Z.T., Dong, Z., Feng, Y. et al. ezTrack: An open-source video analysis pipeline for the investigation of animal behavior. Sci Rep 9, 19979 (2019).