composer require chaplean/form-handler-bundle
new Chaplean\Bundle\FormHandlerBundle\ChapleanFormHandlerBundle(),
Bellow are few fake controller actions to show of what you can do.
namespace App\Bundle\RestBundle\Controller;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\FOSRestController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* @Annotations\RouteResource("DummyEntity")
class FakeController extends FOSRestController
* Those two first actions uses the defaults behaviours of FormHandler.
* On success it will persist the DummyEntity given to handle.
* On failure it will convert the form errors to an angular friendly format.
* No groups will be used when serializing your entity to create the response on success.
* The first action works with a new DummyEntity.
* The second action works with an existing DummyEntity.
public function postAction(Request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
public function putAction(Request $request, DummyEntity $dummy)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, $dummy, $request);
* This action defines groups to use to serialize the DummyEntity to create the response on success.
public function postWithGroupsAction(Request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
* The SuccessHandler is the logic that's run when the form submission is valid.
* The default behaviour is to persist the entity.
* With the successHandler function you can override this default behaviour by giving an
* alternative implementation of SuccessHandlerInterface.
* successHandler takes a string that's the name of the class implementing SuccessHandlerInterface
* you registered in the container under.
* If the class you gave happens to also implement PreprocessorInterface and / or ValidatorInterface
* and you haven't called the preprocessor and / or validator methods, your class will be used
* as the preprocessor and / or validator.
public function postWithCustomSuccessHandler(request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
* The FailureHandler is the logic that's run when the form submission is invalid.
* The default behaviour is to transform the form errors into an angular friendly format.
* With the failureHandler function you can override this default behaviour by giving an
* alternative implementation of FailureHandlerInterface.
* failureHandler takes a string that's the name of the class implementing FailureHandlerInterface
* you registered in the container under.
public function postWithCustomFailureHandler(request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
* The Preprocessor is the logic that's run before the form validation logic is run.
* The goal of this is to allow you to run custom transformation (like maybe some filters, or coversions)
* on the data to submit before it is submited.
* With the preprocessor function you can define the behaviour you want by giving an
* implementation of PreprocessorInterface.
* preprocessor takes a string that's the name of the class implementing PreprocessorInterface
* you registered in the container under.
public function postWithCustomPreprocessor(request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
* The Validator allows you to define custom validation logic outside of symfony form validator.
* With the preprocessor function you can define the behaviour you want by giving an
* implementation of ValidatorInterface.
* preprocessor takes a string that's the name of the class implementing ValidatorInterface
* you registered in the container under.
public function postWithCustomValidator(request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);
* This last action uses the whole api capabilities just for the sake of showing it off.
public function postWithFullApiUsageAction(request $request)
return $this
->handle(DummyEntityType::class, new DummyEntity(), $request);