The project follows the entire line of Google's standard development, based on Jetpack.
This application only aims to show a list of items so that the user can see some data.
And it also handles error handling if there is any failure to process the request made by the API.
BASE | Architecture | IU |
AppCompact | DataBinding | Navigation |
Android KTX | Lifecycles | Material Components |
Kotlin | LiveData | |
Android Arch | ViewModel |
Initial | Listening | Searching |
Found | List | Detail |
Navigation |
IDE - Android Studio 3.3 Beta 4
Gradle 3.2.1
Kotlin 1.3.0
AAC Android Architecture Components using guide Google JetPack
Clean Architecture for apply DRY, KISS, SOLID
DataBinding bind data model with view
ViewModel for interact view with business rules
RX Android for manipulate data and events in different layers of application
- Retrofit
- Dagger Android
- Material Component
- Timber
- Lottie
- RX Java / RX Android
- Google Listen
Github Search Repositories Documentation:
Material Components
- Toolbar
- RecyclerView
- MaterialButton