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Tyler Reynolds edited this page May 20, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the ViLA wiki!

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Want to install some plugins? Check out Plugins.

Want to configure what ViLA does? Check out Configuration.

Looking to extend ViLA's functionality yourself? Check out Writing a plugin.

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ViLA (Virpil LED Automator) is an extensible tool for configuring your Virpil usb device's LEDs to react to certain events. It can be extended via plugins written by anybody, which can do things like tail log files, pair with DCS-BIOS, and more. These plugins send messages to ViLA, which are parsed according to its configuration file.


Does ViLA offer any protections to make sure extensions don't do bad things to my computer?

No. It's very important to understand this. You and you alone are responsible for whatever happens to your computer as a result of extensions you install. Any code at all can be written in an extension. The developers of ViLA will not be held responsible for malicious plugins. When in doubt, DO NOT INSTALL a plugin.

Does ViLA support additional conditional logic like AND, OR, etc?

Not at this time. Maybe at some point in the future though!

Does ViLA support more complex actions, like flashing a light in response to an action?

Not directly, no. You can get creative with the plugin and the Ids in your config.json file, but generally speaking this is not officially supported at this time. Again, maybe at some point in the future!

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