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Jens Rauch edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 9 revisions

The power of ViLA lies in its extensibility; on its own, ViLA really doesn't do anything useful.

What is a plugin?

A plugin is a set of .dll files that tell ViLA to do things with information. Plugins can do things like read data from dcs-bios, read system resource usage, read from game log files, or just about anything else you can think of!

Known plugins

Name Description
Sample Lights up LEDs based on configured interval - good for testing or if you're bored
DCS-BIOS Reader Sends events based on data output from DCS-BIOS
SimConnect Reader Sends events based on data output from SimConnect (for MSFS and other flight sims)
Elite Dangerous Plugin Sends events based on data read from Elite's status.json

Who can make a plugin?

Anybody can! See Writing a plugin for more information.

Installing Plugins

Plugin installation is very straightforward. If the plugin author has done everything right, you should only have to copy files into the Plugins/ folder, and move the Plugin Configuration folder into the Configuration/ folder.

When installed, your ViLA install directory should look like this.

|-- Configuration/
|   |-- PluginAConfiguration/
|   |   `-- <optional configuration files>
|   `-- ViLA.json
|-- Plugins/
|   |-- Plugin A/
|   |   |-- <dll files>
|   |   `-- manifest.json
|   `-- Plugin B/
|       |-- <dll files>
|       `-- manifest.json
`-- ViLA.exe

Run ViLA

That's it! ViLA will autodetect any new plugins on next run, and will log when it has loaded them.


ViLA crashes on launch after installing a plugin!

Contact the plugin author. There is likely an issue with their plugin, their published dependencies, or their manifest.json file.

ViLA doesn't say that it loaded my plugin!

Make sure your plugin is in its own directory within the Plugins/ directory. Make sure a manifest file is present. ViLA will only look for plugins located at Plugins/../manifest.json.