A fun code challenge to build out a simple checkout UX.
- react-dom: Adds ReactJS compatibility within a Meteor app
- react-mounter: Flow Router for ReactJS Meteor app
- meteor-random: Love them randomized hex strings. :)
- Other Installs:
- babel-runtime
- meteor-node-stubs
- meteor-random
- react
- react-addons-pure-render-mixin
- underscore
- Bootstrap 3: Used a little bit of Bootstrap's library but also opted to hand style a lot to demonstrate CSS/LESS/SASS knowledge.
- Animate.css: A Pure-CSS, fun, and super simple animation library.
- Install Meteor –
curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
(See the Meteor Guide for more info) - Clone repo to your local machine
into theexosite-code-challenge
project- Install necessary npm packages –
meteor npm install
- Run application –
NOTE: The data is bootstrapped in when the app first runs. This bootstrapping process is setup in /imports/startup/server/fixtures.js
and the Collection is created in /imports/api/products/products.js
- Meteor: I went Meteor for 2 reasons:
- There's a ton of out of the box wiring that Meteor does for you which is perfect with you're trying to code up a code challenge in one day that's backed by a database (MongoDB).
- I wanted to demonstrate Meteor a bit more than their Todo app. ;)
- Bootstrap 3: HUGE fan of Material UI but for the sake of time I went with Bootstrap because I have this library memorized so it's quicker for me...for now. ;)
This has been a fun code challenge. Some areas that I would improve are:
- Add the ability to build up a cart so users could add more than one item to their shopping cart. To do this, I would add the ability to create user accounts or checkout as a guess. I would also capture what the user is selecting to buy in mini-mongo db on the client or a local storage of some sort so that they can keep shopping around until they are ready to check out.
- I would of also add in some images of each of the items so users have a better idea of what the product is exactly before choosing to purchase.
- Provide on-the-fly user feedback on when filling out the shipping form if their information is valid or not and polish up the UX a bit more then depending on the browser's out-of-the-box functionality.
- I would add some more coloring and depth to give the sure a more visually appealing UI.
- I would make the active state on the side nav dynamic as it relates to the pages you're on.