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Getting started: build a GraphQL Form in 5 minutes

Charly POLY edited this page Jun 8, 2018 · 17 revisions

Install the library

  • yarn add react-apollo-form OR
  • npm i react-apollo-form

then, add to your package.json scripts section:

"react-apollo-form": "react-apollo-form fetch-mutations <graphqlEndpoint> <outpurDir>"
  • graphqlEndpoint should be the url of your GraphQL API, ex: "http://localhost:3000/graphql"
  • outpurDir should be the path where files will be generated, ex: "./src/core/forms"

Generating "meta" files

Just run npm run react-apollo-form.

You should see 3 steps : "schema download", "mutations types generations", "json schema generation".

If the commands do not finish with "Done.", please check:

  • that your GraphQL server is accessible (up and without authentication)
  • that your GraphQL server has 'introspection' enabled !
  • that the outputDir is writable

Configuring a "Form component"

react-apollo-form expose a configure(options) function with the following options:

interface ApolloFormConfigureOptions {
    client: ApolloClient<any>;
    jsonSchema: JSONSchema6;
    theme?: ApolloFormConfigureTheme;
  • client is necessary in order to call the mutation when a form submit
  • jsonSchema is necessary for extract mutation arguments as form fields
  • theme is optional (see "Theming")

TypeScript Tips

For TypeScript users, configure() takes a "type arguments" for mutations names union types. The script generates 3 files, including a mutations.d.ts that expose a ApolloFormMutationNames type.

Providing ApolloFormMutationNames to configure() will allow nice autocomplete when building a form (see next section)


import * as React from 'react';
import { configure } from 'react-apollo-form';
import { client } from './apollo'; // a file thats export a configured Apollo Client

const jsonSchema = require('./core/apollo-form-json-schema.json');

export const ApplicationForm = configure<ApolloFormMutationNames>({
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
    client: client as any,

Available props on Form Component

We now have a fresh <ApplicationForm> form component.

Here are the available props:

type ApolloFormProps<MutationNamesType> = {
    data: any;
    config: ApolloFormConfig & { mutation?: { name: MutationNamesType } };
    ui?: UiSchema & ApolloFormUi;
    title?: string;
    subTitle?: string;
    onSave?: (data: object) => void;
    onCancel?: () => void;
    children?: React.SFC<ApolloRenderProps>;
    liveValidate?: boolean;


Prop Description
data initial data to fill the fields
config There is two types of config, see below the table
ui same as react-jsonschema-form, see below the table
title Form title (string)
subtitle Form subtitle (string)
onSave callback after save ((data: object) => void)
onCancel callback on cancel action (() => void)
onChange callback on form changes ((data: object) => void)
liveValidate should the form run validation on user actions or on submit ? (boolean, default: false)

Props.config : ApolloFormConfig

There is two config mode:

  • form from mutation: ApolloFormConfigMutation
  • form from raw schema: ApolloFormConfigManual


Given a mutation name and document, ApolloForm will fetch mutations arguments and "convert" them to form fields (as JSON Schema properties).

ApolloForm will call mutation.document to save data on submit.

interface ApolloFormConfigMutation extends ApolloFormConfigBase {
    mutation: {
        name: string; // mutation name
        document: DocumentNode; // mutation document
        // apollo mutation options
        variables?: object;
        context?: object;
        refetchQueries?: string[] | PureQueryOptions[] | RefetchQueriesProviderFn;


If your form is not linked directly to a mutation, you can switch to "manual mode" by passing a raw JSON Schema and a callback to saveData on submit.

interface ApolloFormConfigManual extends ApolloFormConfigBase {
    schema: JSONSchema6;
    saveData: (formData: any) => any;

See "Build a form without mutation" for more information about "manual mode".

Both mode are share common properties from ApolloFormConfigBase:

type ApolloFormConfigBase = {
    // form namespace (useful for i18n)
    name?: string;
    // ability to ignore specific fields, eg: [""]
    ignoreFields?: string[];
    // ability to set specific fields to required, eg: [""]
    requiredFields?: string[];
    // update a existing field config (merge, not override)
    updateFields?: { [k: string]: object };
    // update directly schema (merge, not override)
    augment?: object;

Props.ui : UiSchema

The ui prop is directly forwarded to react-jsonschema-form, please look first the UISchema Object documentation section.

ApolloForm add some features in ui:

type ApolloFormUi = {
    // default: false, should we display errors list at the top ?
    showErrorsList?: boolean;
    // default: true, should we display errors at field level ?
    showErrorsInline?: boolean;
    // you can provide a custom component to display error list
    errorListComponent?: ErrorListComponent;

Build your first form with ApplicationForm

Suppose that you have the following GraphQL Schema:

type Todo {
    id: String!
    name: String!
    completed: Boolean

input TodoInputType {
    name: String!
    completed: Boolean

type Query {
    todo(id: String!): Todo!
    todos: [Todo!]!

type Mutation {
    update_todo(id: String!, todo: TodoInputType!): Todo
    create_todo(todo: TodoInputType!): Todo

After running, the react-apollo-form script, we will have type ApolloFormMutationNames = 'update_todo' | 'create_todo' and a complete apollo-form-json-schema.json JSON Schema file.

Let's build a form to create a Todo.

import * as React from 'react';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
// ... import ApplicationForm, etc..

const createTodoMutationDocument = gql`
    mutation createTodo($todo: TodoInputType!) {
        create_todo(todo: $todo) {

const form = p => (
        title="Todo Form"
            mutation: {
                name: 'create_todo',
                document: createTodoMutationDocument

And tadaaa 🎉 :

All validations are handled by ApolloForm, following the types and required arguments/properties exposed by the mutation.

You just built your first form with ApolloForm.

Please continue to the following articles to build nice and advanced forms: