A portfolio website created using Django and front end development tools. The main feature of this website is it is easily customizable you can customize everything and even someone from a non-coding background can use it and make his/her portfolio website just like uploading photos and writing descriptions about you on Instagram or any other social media platform.
Django Python based project which uses many different tools like Amazon web services, Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Heroku, and many more. Whole idea and motivation for this project is to enable users who wants a portfolio website but doesn't know to code and get started. This web application provide answer to all that questions and it's user friendly, easy to use. And if you are my code a mention would be much apperciated.
Python installed on your machine
Amazon Web Services(AWS) knowlege and account along with deployment skills using heroku is must for completition of this project.
Programming knowledge of python, Django, and other front end languages.
Motivation & desire to learn something new, that's all folks, let's get started.
first install a virtual envirmoment through command line using command mentioned below.
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
- create a user using below command
mkvirtualenv name of your choice
- Running virtual enviroment
workon name you choosed above
- Install required files using below command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run server using command
python manage.py runserver
- The server is now running at localhost:8000
- Download from Github.
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/chasesagar/portfolio.git
Sagar Saini - Initial work - ChaseSagar See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details