title | tags | ||
Router service on single-NIC linux box with Dreamacro/clash |
Clash support VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocol for remote connections, can run on linux, windows, mac on various hardware architectures, is popular and under active developing recently.
- docker 中运行 openwrt
- anotherdocker 运行 openwrt
- Use macvlan networks
- 斐讯N1 – 完美刷机Armbian教程
- N1刷Armbian系统并在Docker中安装OpenWrt旁路由的详细教程
- N1盒子做旁路由刷OpenWRT系统(小白专用)
- Docker上运行Lean大源码编译的OpenWRT(初稿)
- engineerlzk 的CSDN博客
- 我在用的armbian版本
It's recommended to limit docker daemon's log size, or you will soon runout of disk space.
Modify your /etc/docker/daemon.json
like the following:
"registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/"],
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {"max-size":"100m", "max-file":"3"}
This image needs macvlan to function properly, modify the below sample to fit your needs.
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= --ip-range= -o parent=eth0 macnet
- Create new external switch with hyper-v manager if there is no existing one.
- Create new vEthernet adapater with powershell(admin):
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName vEthernetStatic2 -SwitchName External
- Set the new adapater's ip=, gateway= of clash container).
- In browser(firefox), set proxy to socks5:// macvlan config)
Now you can break through the great f*** wall.