- .bin
- .pcd
Convert the 2024-06-25_11-19-36.bin in this repo to output_2024-08-23.pcd following the guide below. After that, you can use rviz
to visulize the point cloud as below:
rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud output_2024-08-23.pcd _frame_id:=laser _interval:=0.1 /cloud_pcd:=/point_cloud_raw
would be the topic that contains point clouds. Now you can use the following rviz config to view the point cloud.
rosrun rviz rviz -d configs/view_point_cloud.rviz
python bin_to_pcd.py --input_bin ./2024-06-25_11-19-36.bin
The output pcd file will save in this directory as default. If you want to save the output pcd file to other directory, just add a parameter to the above command, something like --output_pcd /home/user/Downloads