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🚀 We add BasicSR-Examples, which provides guidance and templates of using BasicSR as a python package. 🚀
📢 技术交流QQ群:320960100 入群答案:互帮互助共同进步
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Google Colab: GitHub Link | Google Drive Link
📁 Datasets: ⏬ Google Drive ⏬ 百度网盘 (提取码:basr)
📈 Training curves in wandb
💻 Commands for training and testing
BasicSR (Basic Super Restoration) is an open-source image and video restoration toolbox based on PyTorch, such as super-resolution, denoise, deblurring, JPEG artifacts removal, etc.
BasicSR (Basic Super Restoration) 是一个基于 PyTorch 的开源 图像视频复原工具箱, 比如 超分辨率, 去噪, 去模糊, 去 JPEG 压缩噪声等.
🚩 New Features/Updates
- ✅ Oct 5, 2021. Add ECBSR training and testing codes: ECBSR.
ACMMM21: Edge-oriented Convolution Block for Real-time Super Resolution on Mobile Devices
- ✅ Sep 2, 2021. Add SwinIR training and testing codes: SwinIR by Jingyun Liang. More details are in HOWTOs.md
- ✅ Aug 5, 2021. Add NIQE, which produces the same results as MATLAB (both are 5.7296 for tests/data/baboon.png).
- ✅ July 31, 2021. Add bi-directional video super-resolution codes: BasicVSR and IconVSR.
CVPR21: BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond
- More
✨ Projects that use BasicSR
- Real-ESRGAN: A practical algorithm for general image restoration
- GFPGAN: A practical algorithm for real-world face restoration
If you use BasicSR
in your open-source projects, welcome to contact me (by email or opening an issue/pull request). I will add your projects to the above list 😊
If BasicSR helps your research or work, please help to ⭐ this repo or recommend it to your friends. Thanks😊
Other recommended projects:
(HandyView, HandyFigure, HandyCrawler, HandyWriting)
We provide simple pipelines to train/test/inference models for a quick start. These pipelines/commands cannot cover all the cases and more details are in the following sections.
GAN | |||||
StyleGAN2 | Train | Inference | |||
Face Restoration | |||||
DFDNet | - | Inference | |||
Super Resolution | |||||
RCAN | TODO | TODO | SwinIR | Train | Inference |
BasicVSR | TODO | TODO | TOF | - | TODO |
Deblurring | |||||
DeblurGANv2 | - | TODO | |||
Denoise | |||||
RIDNet | - | TODO | CBDNet | - | TODO |
For detailed instructions refer to INSTALL.md.
Please see project boards.
- Please refer to DatasetPreparation.md for more details.
- The descriptions of currently supported datasets (
classes) are in Datasets.md.
- Training and testing commands: Please see TrainTest.md for the basic usage.
- Options/Configs: Please refer to Config.md.
- Logging: Please refer to Logging.md.
- The descriptions of currently supported models are in Models.md.
- Pre-trained models and log examples are available in ModelZoo.md.
- We also provide training curves in wandb:
Please see DesignConvention.md for the designs and conventions of the BasicSR codebase.
The figure below shows the overall framework. More descriptions for each component:
Datasets.md | Models.md | Config.md | Logging.md
This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
More details about license and acknowledgement are in LICENSE.
If BasicSR helps your research or work, please consider citing BasicSR.
The following is a BibTeX reference. The BibTeX entry requires the url
LaTeX package.
author = {Xintao Wang and Ke Yu and Kelvin C.K. Chan and
Chao Dong and Chen Change Loy},
title = {{BasicSR}: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR}},
year = {2020}
Xintao Wang, Ke Yu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Chao Dong and Chen Change Loy. BasicSR: Open Source Image and Video Restoration Toolbox. https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR, 2020.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
- QQ群: 扫描左边二维码 或者 搜索QQ群号: 320960100 入群答案:互帮互助共同进步
- 微信群: 因为微信群超过200人,需要邀请才可以进群;要进微信群的小伙伴可以先添加 Liangbin 的个人微信 (右边二维码),他会在空闲的时候拉大家入群~